Feeling trapped
Isolated, scared and alone
unable to breath or think clearly
panic begins to set in
should I go on
should I give up
the uncertainty is daunting
and the fear is great
with little to hope for
or even look forward to
I contemplate giving in
and giving up
when being abandoned
it makes those feelings more prevalent
with little hope
and next...
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I have come to accept that life is pain.
Physical pains of getting older making it harder and harder to be as active as I wish I was.
Even though I know the saying "It's never to late to start." is true.
Emotional pain from always getting rejected.
Spiritual pain for knowing you fell off your path so very long ago.
Mental pain for never...
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So true

Lost in your eye's that I could stare into forever

Drawn in by your lips that I could kiss for hours

Enticed by your silky skin that I could caress endlessly

When you enter the room my heart skips a beat

And the smile that makes me swoon every time

I would do everything in my power to make you happy

A laugh here an...
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Courtesy of one of my fav songs by K.Flay titled "High Enough" this is the chorus
I used to like liquor to get me inspired, But you look so beautiful.
My new supplier. I used to like smoking to stop all the thinking.
But I found a different buzz.
The world is curse, It'll kill if you let it.
I know they got pills that...
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I must now say so long and farewell

Though you never really knew me

This impenetrable shell that surrounds me made that impossible

Fear at times can keep us alive, but it can also keep us isolated

Fear leading to frustration and then to anger makes for unwise choices or words

This cocoon inside stirs, with it's core striving to break free

I must now...
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Can you even see me? Or am I invisible to you?

Every time I see you my heart aches to love you.

I know deep inside that I have no chance with you, But I can hope and wish.

I would do everything in my power to see that smile on a daily basis.

And the chance to kiss those lips, what I wouldn't do....
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Heartbreaking poetry..

With this hole in my heart widening ever further with no relief in sight
Release from this pain is all I seek but forever denied
With head held low I trudge along because I have no choice
Death is not an option but the cowards way out
I tarry on seeking life and love constantly denied me to fill holes I cannot even fathom
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I had to scroll through a fair few sets but she is @serene  ☺
OMG ty ty ty, I've been looking through every set ever made. Started at 2005 and had made it up to 2007 when I saw this. But for some reason didn't see the ones from 05 on the list. again, TY
I have no actual friends
And zero people whom I love
I like to think I try to be nice to others
But, whom am I kidding other than myself
I should just end it and put myself out of everyone's misery
I wouldn't be missed
Some may even celebrate
Lets face it, I'm a worthless PoS
I don't even contribute to society
People just...
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Uncertainty leading to fear.
Which quickly turns to anger.
And in turn causes unwise choices.
Leading to regret.
Born from that is self loathing.
Such a seemingly endless vicious cycle.
Trying to soldier on, not knowing how.
Giving up sounds like a grand idea.
But that in turn fans the flame of anger.
Burning into a defiant rage.
Mocking me for even thinking of quitting....
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