ha ha ha, ur married
He is so damn cute. You did good. I am so happy to see the wedding pics. When you do it again in July let me know so I can come shower you with gifts. kiss
Logan is finally here. He was born April 4th at 3:33 pm. He weighed 9lbs 6 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. He's wonderful! He sleeps good, especially through the night! I'll post pics as soon as I can get Runamuck to help me with it.
he will never help he is too lazy
congrats on getting married.
I think this is one of the sweetest pics of Logan , you are such a lucky lady, he is adorable!

[Edited on May 30, 2006 4:27AM]
Tuesday is the big day! RUNAMUCK and I will finally become parents to a baby boy! My due date was yesterday and I have a GREAT doctor who isn't going to make me go the full 2 weeks past my due date before she induces. Sooooo............we are going to the hospital at 6am April 4th to be induced! Hopefully everything goes well and he's out...
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hope all goes well for you guys (fingers are crossed)
Good luck pumpkin and I want pictures of Logan asap!! I am so excited for you.
I haven't updated in awile....nothing really exciting has happened yet. RUNAMUCK and I are waiting on our son to get here. He's going to be as stubborn as his daddy and not come out. I go back to the doctor Tuesday and if he's still not here, (which I really doubt he will come on his own), he is going to be evicted! My doctor...
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(psst... if you are close enough to your due date, about 38 weeks you can walk into a hospital and ask to be induced anytime.)
I've been sick this week, which has been awful, I haven't felt this bad in years. I'm slowly starting to feel a little better, just very weak and tired. It probably wouldn't be so bad if I weren't 4 weeks away from my due date. Robitussin with Codeine has been my best friend for the past 24 hours! wink I'm ready to have this boy! Well...
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hope your feeling better hun kiss kiss
glad to hear that your feeling better, ive not been well also, damn baby taking all our energy lol,
i really want to be early cuz im just so fed up of waiting now lol
i think the whole pregnancy has been long for me. jus because ive been ill for most part of it kiss kiss
Well it's been crazy lately. I've had plenty of family issues with my side of the family. Last Sunday topped it all off. I woke up and went to the bathroom and we thought my water broke and that I was in the early stages of labor. I had some bleeding which was VERY scary. RUNAMUCK and I get to the hospital and I'm immediately...
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it's all crazy!!!!
Awww sweetie the same thing happened to me during my pregnancy. So I don't know how common that really is?? I am glad that everything is ok with you and Logan. I hope that hangs on for a few more weeks. I can't wait for this baby. I love it when my friends have baby cuz that means I dont have to one I can just play with yours. tongue
Things are going good. I have 10 weeks to go, maybe sooner if he decides to come sooner. I'm very excited but nervous about the labor. I'm getting bigger, well just my stomach, which is good. My back doesn't hurt as much as it was hurting. I had to take my engagement ring off. frown frown My fingers were swelling way too much and I finally had...
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I just hope he doesn't come out looking like popye like I did biggrin

Now your a quarter of century year old HEHE wink
Well, things are ok. I've been shopping alot the past few days. I haven't had to buy much cause my mom and RUNAMUCK mom has been buying things for me, baby stuff, house stuff, and cheap christmas clearance. biggrin I've been really bitchy lately, people have just been getting on my nerves, I don't know why but they are. Tonight we're RUNAMUCK and I are going...
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Well I've completely neglected posting on anyone elses journals or really even messing around on SG cause of the craziness the past couple weeks. It's been fun the last week getting ready for Christmas, but I'm glad its all over!

Christmas was very good this year. I went with my mom to my grandmas the morning of for lunch. My mom has 5 sisters so...
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not with the way the new house is coming along....I don't it will ever be ready robot
The weekend has been calm and quiet. We went to our friends Friday night and exchanged gifts. We got gift cards to Best Buy, so that was good. Now we can go shopping! Tomorrow we go for another checkup. We are going to schedule the 3D/4D ultrasound for our January appointment. I'm really excited about it. The pictures are very detailed and you can see...
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Yeah you're gonna be 25 better break out the fucking walker. Shut it!! biggrin

HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you Nick and Logan!!!! Wishing you brightest blessings for 2006.