wow! I really needed to update! Gosh! Where do I start? Let's see... I'm currently expacting a BABY!!!!! A little girl will be here in October! I'm going to name her Raith Belladonna. I thought that was a unique,gothic name! I love it, my kids don't. Ho,hum, they will just have to get over it. Reaper is finally getting used to the idea that he...
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The name is kewl. Bout time you update. biggrin
I got a new tattoo tonight! I'll try to take a better pic later! I have a pic in my folder! love ya'll!
happy b-day smile
hope you have a happy turkey day smile
Hey ya'll! I'm currently in the hospital trying to get rid of my ongoing migrane! Brian brought me to the ER yesterday morning and after 3hrs of no relief, the dr decided to admit me in the hospital. I'm in Ochsner in New Orleans. I won't be discharge until tomorrow, I hope! smile
Oh my. I hope you're ok. I get migraines all the time. R u taking anything for them? Like imitrex? Hope you feel better!
OOOH! My Neurologist is an asshole! I went to my Dr. Friday to get my migraine script from her and to get my usual checkup. I was anxious to talk to her because this past month I wound up going to the ER twice and i usually don't have to go except in extreme cases. That means my regular medicine zomig isn't working. Anyway, when...
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Here here eeek
aw thanks for my comments sweety
I HATE HAVING NO SEX!! I am becoming obsessed and fantasising about inapropriate people at inapropriate times. aaggrr
I feel wierd today. My head feels like there are millions of bees in there, and my body is kind of bruised from falling down half a flight of cement steps in the rain. But the wierd thing is I like the bruises. They make me feel alive if only when I lean on them and feel the pain.

I wish sometimes I can get...
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damn u get some good meds for them migraines!!!
stress???? surreal
Last night I had a extremely bad migrane. Brian had to take me to the ER. We got there at 11:30pm; we got home about 6:20am this morning. I'm finally feeling better. I start my first class today at 1pm. I'm so happy! Well, I need to get some rest. Brian called in sick today, so he could help me out. Of course, he hasn't...
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caN I ask what they gave u for the migraine?? i never know what to fuckin take, nothing works frown
The ER gave me dilaudid and phenergan. It was a doozy so they had to keep giving it to me for over 4 hours. It seemed to work and I went home to sleep the rest of the migraine off, but unfortunately the headache was back. I wound up sleeping it off.

At home my neuro gives me zomig and phenergan for the nausea, and for the bad ones, I take ACTIQ, a fenenyl citrate lollipop. I usually don't have to go to the ER except in extreme cases, about once every 6 months or so.
Well I start school monday. YIPPEE! I hope I can do well. I haven't studed in ages and I hope my feeble brain can function.


Tonight I get to see MUDVAYNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOO HOOO!!!!!
the concert starts in less than a hour and here I am typing on here.(just lets you know how hooked I am) anyway gotta go! shocked
hey lady wink i was checking out your favorite bands, i'm just now getting into my chemical romance, loves it, the singer is HOTT, so how was the mudvayne show??? do tell kiss
well The concert was awesome! I got there right before Mudvayne got onstage. They had two bands before i didn't get a chance to hear. Anyway I met up with my brother and his wife and their friends and he informed me when Mudvayne goes on, he's going in the mosh pit. well I never had the courage to go before but last night I had a wild hair up my ass and I thought "why not" (never mind the fact I was wearing a mini skirt and heels*lol*). When they started they played F*cking Detemined and we proceded to the pit. well I immediately got knocked on my ass. I jumped up and stayed in. I lost my brother in the chaos and gave up looking for him so I had a new goal...pushing my way to the front of the stage. It was unbearably hot and the croud was wild and violent! IT was awesome! I attempted to take a few pictures as I got closer and then finally I got the closest possible...SECOND ROW!!!!!! I went to take decent pics with the phone, I didn't have any more room dammit! worse yet I was so hot, I started feling light headed. I managed to stay a little longer to see rynow and kud on my side of the stage and listen to nothing to gein and Happy. When thay started world so cold, I had go get some air so I left my coveted spot. I found my brother back where we started. He high fived me and told me he was proud I out lasted him in the pit and all. The final numbers they did were Not falling and they ended with dig, IT was a awesome night! I was drenched with sweat and had the DNA of about 50 other people on me and the stats I have from the pit are. me=lost shoe twice,fingernails bent back twice, several bruises on arms legs and back. Them= I gave one guy a bloody nose with my elbow after he punched me in the tit,I smacked a croud surfer in the forehead when he grabbed my titty. skull skull skull
gosh I'm tired today. I filled out more college applications. I hope I get enough financial aid to cover the 5g's it gonna take per quarter to attend. I can recall when school only cost 1000 a semester. Boy times have changed indeed. shocked
what you getting pierced?
woke up feeling shitty today. guess I'll write this in.......
Scarlett drug fiends again,
taunting,release me, jab it in.
Painful rush,take it more,
toxin thoughts,rotton core.
Bleed it out,no more tears,
nightmare lives,relive fears.
Over,over, over, out,
clench the angry crimson spot.
Roll your eyes,enjoy the throb,
Smile again, pain did it's job.