So I started taking Extenze, the penis enlargement pill. I'm big already but I'm wanting at least another inch or two. After four or five months i should be at 9 or 10 inches. I'm already 8.5. I already took the pill last year for a week in September and my girlfriend (ex now) said she could tell the difference. I don't need the pill...
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you live tooo far... but wow what an offer..
have you measured it? does it REALLY work? i remain skeptical.
I started thinking last night...I've never been high in my entire life. Now I know it's not "good for you" but when I get stressed I resort to drinking. Maybe, just maybe, I should resort to the other "aide" to help me become more stable. Can anybody help me with this. I figure I don't wanna die without ever having tried it. I mean, I...
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Like the new pic.. but your blog concerns me....

I've decided to cut my hair after I've had alot of people say I'd look better with short, spikey hair. Gonna tip it green to. Why I debate about my hair so much is beyond me. I someetimes feel like I sound like a little girl when I look at myself in the mirror saying, "hair, no hair". But personally, I think I look bette...
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thanks for the nice words you left on my set... you know it means a lot to me what you think... so thanks for that... also what are your plans for the weekend? anything exciting? ok talk soon
Hey you!!! ummm holy crap i just saw the pics in your album... when the hell di dyou add those!!!! whoooooaaaa!!! hahhaahh
anyways i hope to talk soon... havent got to hear from you in a few days!

So I started night dreaming last night and after about 5 or so minutes I have come to a decision...when I can afford it I'm getting a name change. I'm European American born and I want a more foreign name so I'm going with my myspace name Toki. It's also my favourite character from the cartoon show Metalocalypse. I can only imagine this will piss...
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1/4 after 10 huh that is pretty to the t on what time... hahahah just giving you shit... what time do u work today?
sorry i had to go get the little boy babysit ready for school
So I'm having a crappy end of the year. I have to switch to 2nd shift from 3rd since the company I work for is letting alot of people go on layoffs (i should be happy they're keeping me) and now i will lhave less time to do anything. I don't have the net at home yet so now I gotta choose a better time...
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I'm not looking any older but I'm getting better
So, even though I lost my car (got it back out of impound) and my driver's license (it was suspended until Sept. 13 now it'll be a hell of a lot longer since I was caught driving on it) I still find a way to do things. I've been thinking about getting more active in my life than sitting around the apt and playing video...
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Thanks for the kind words i appricite them... it is good to know that people out there care!! thanks again
aaaaaaweee u are too nice!! thanks for looking over my set and i am glad you like dwhat you saw!!! tkae care hun.. have a good night and you need to talk to me more!
I'm so sick of girls acting like hos. Because your last relationship ending crappy don't go looking for another guy if you have any afterthought of trying to get BACK with your ex. I'm to old and went through to much shit to try and figure out this stuff. Is there, and I mean this in a BIG way, Is there any girls out there...
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I like the hand stars 

the third pic was the one i was talking about!
I am finally back on the site after a near 3 year absence. t's great to be able to see all my girls again. Unless the world is destroyed or I run out of money I'll be here for good. Sorry I don't have any good pics of myself to put up. I'm getting new clothes in the mail this week and will be taking...
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