Well, Thanksgiving is a week away, so I figured I'd post about it!

What is everyone's Thanksgiving tradition, if you have one? My grandma, uncle and aunt and cousins from Chattanooga all come down to my house (Mom's) and eat here. We always cook vegetarian fried chicken (Mom and the company are vegetarian), garlic mashed potatoes from scratch of course, green bean casserole (my favorite!),...
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Drinkin' merlot, gettin' drunk.


yummy i love wine,make the blood flow so nicely
Well, life continues to be busy as all hell. Been working alot, enjoying making money.

I went camping with my boyfriend Saturday night. I hadn't been camping in years so that was a lot of fun. It got pretty cold but we were okay. We enjoyed s'mores and hot chocolate. Ahhhhh. smile Next weekend we're going up to Tennessee to visit my dad. I'm very excited...
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Yes making money is awesome and the more the better! biggrin. I haven't been camping in a long time but I do enjoy it. Usually go when I go kayaking with friends, always a good time to camp. Well good luck with the going back to college!
Ugh, I suck at keeping things updated. I've been super super busy lately. I started my job and have been working 10 hour shifts and sometimes 13-14 hour shifts, so when I'm not working I'm being lazy and laying around the house trying to get used to working so much. I'm not complaining. I really enjoy it and it's nice to be making money again....
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I watched the first season, and I shortly fell out it. Welcome back to the working world though!
I am bored, everyone. So bored, in fact, that I have been searching an online dating site to help my pitiful ex boyfriend find the perfect girl. He just started dating recently and is finding girls that are all wrong for him. I know him better than he knows himself. I told him today that I could find him a good match. Challenge accepted, I...
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Haha, guess she's an ex for a reason then?
I was going to type out a short rant about my last ex. But I'll spare you with the details of such. But, in no way, would she honestly help me.
Why am I such a piece of shit? D: I'm letting stupid little things get wedged into good relationships and friendships, and I don't even know why. This isn't high school, ugh I wish I could get over the little fucking things and learn to love life.
I'm letting my lip piercing close up, I think. I have to take it out for work and clinicals and stuff, and it's too annoying to put back in every day because I forget and then I'm comfy and laying in bed and I'm just too damn lazy to get up and go to the bathroom and slip it in.

And now you know.
Blurgh. I am moody as fuck today. My boyfriend came over to pick me up after he got off work, and when I kissed him I smelled cigarette smoke. He's been trying to quit off and on for the past two months or so. When we first got together, it was no secret that he smoked, and he asked if it bothered me and I...
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Tell him to try one of the E-Cigs. They still give you the nicotine but don't have the smell you don't like or all the harmful chemicals you are worried about.I know some people that only smoke those. Just an idea to make both of you happy.
That's actually something he's considered but hasn't done yet. Maybe he'll try it soon. Thanks smile