i'm looking for a drop dead gorgeous girl.
any takers?? whatever
Well I'm not a girl... lol :p

So thank you for the HB and HH anyways ^_^
it's chilly in minnesota right now. fall is ending, and it's taking my happiness with it. frown hopefully, with the impending snowfall, i can get some of that back. i'm alive with excitement about the possibility of getting to snowboard very soon. biggrin it's my thing, really. whatever i think everyone should try it, unless you're a pussy. tongue then, don't bother. if you can't stand the thought of...
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where have you beeeeeen?

you still around?

I'm bored out of my mind. i think i need to stop waking and keep sleeping. it's got to be better for you. how can you hurt yourself if you're not even awake for it?? besides, i have so much more fun in my dreams. for example: just last night i was at a party the deftones were playing at. the fuckin deftones!!! never have...
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Hi smile
Thanks for commenting on my set!
so i haven't been here in quite a while, once again. i think i would like to let you all know how terrible a place myspace truly is. do not allow yourself to become a fiend/addict to this virtual line of bullshit. it will kill your brain and cause blindness!! not to mention: no sexxxy ladies. i love you all, except for those of you...
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some of you may be wondering: HAY! where's cassie?? some of you, maybe not. truth is, my friends, i have gone nowhere. that's a big bummer. i should be sitting in the hot, hot desert right now. soaking up that grotesque sunshine we all pay homage to, however, i am still here. frown
good news? I'M STILL HERE!! that's right, anyone who wants to hang out...
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i am so sick of this goddamn computer. i cannot keep myself away from it. anyway, i have not yet gotten a job, and i'm not entirely sure i intend on getting one at this point. maybe i'll just have to move away. no job=no money=no fun time. yea, i don't buy my own drinks at the bar, however, i need gas to get there....
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Thank you for your comment on my set ! I'm glad you appreciate it wink

I should have quit posting a long time ago to.

Come out with me on Saturday.
ayeeeeeeehh! (just think of 'the fonz' saying it, and it sounds much cooler.
soooooooo........ what's new, you might ask??
well, nothing.
i am ever-so-boring, and i have nothing to talk about, or type about, for that matter.
however, i will tell you this: there are just not enough boxes on my profile for my favorite girls. i mean, c'mon!! what are there, something close to...
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A mutual sexy friend of ours is having a party tomorrow. You aren't working, you need to come.

You have my number, if not - expect my call tomorrow.

i feel like crap today puke puke puke
ahhh.. poor girl.
blah blah blah blah blah
blahb lbah ahdflab\bklajh blah
blah blahiar blah blah blahiearh
i am boring
i suck
don't read this crap this is crap
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
well, at least i am in love love
it feels awesome! biggrin
freezer burned lettuce on my choco taco
hey there, i'm sure everyone wants to read boring crap i write, so here is more!!!!
the front of my car now looks like a graveyard for puss- and mucous-filled insects. blech! puke
i want to eat more, so i can be fat, but i don't have time.
my dad reminds me of mcguyver..... i don't know if that's...
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everyone loves to read your stuff cutie!

and you need to call me to. I don't have your number you dork.

I am free anytime at night. Just let me know and we will do something, but you have to promise not to leave without a goodbye kiss!