I really would like to get more involved in the SG community. I know I know who many of you are but I don’t really KNOW most of you and I’d like to get to know some of my fellow hopefuls and sgs! I want to be able to create with you and overall just get to know some women who share some common interest...
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If I could just come hang out and meet everyone I totally would! I’m lacking the resources for a shoot right now 😭 thank you so much for the invitation tho and please keep me in mind for future shootfests!!!
So now we've met, I'm making sure I keep in touch so that when I come back to Vegas we can hang out again!

@rambo and @missy thank you, as always for the homework assignment!

Today I'm going to tell you about a time I formed or broke a habit and how!

Little known fact about yours truly, I used to smoke cigarettes. I wanted to quit but every time I tried I would just get so darn bored I would pick it up again. It was an oral...
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I haven't heard of bronchitis ever being a blessing in disguise but apparently it was for you.kudos to you for kicking the habit
I got strong will and just said today I’m quiting and I did it. June 3rd will be a year. It just got nasty and tasting like crap 🤢🤮

@rambo and @missy as usual, thank you for the "homework"! It's much appreciated!

Here's some of my overdue topics. lol

9/9: What are 3 things you think everyone should know how to do?

Easy! The first is change a tire, the second is change your oil & air filter, and the third is CHANGE YOUR MIND! Just kidding, I'm stubborn so maybe not. I think...
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Great set.  You are gorgeous!

Thank you @missy and @rambo for the homework assignment 😉

As much as I would love to pull out the vixen card and say I relax with sex or daily sessions touching myself, that's not it. I mean sure those things help but I'll be real with you, that is simply not my outlet.

I live a very busy life and as someone who is...
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@manic omg naaaaaps!!! Can't smoke because of work but I can nap with the best of them! Haha
@elaena when it comes to swimming I m a lazy river kind of girl. I'm definitely not a strong swimmer, may have had to be saved a time or two... 😁
I am a firm believer that there is a meme for everything. Do you agree? At this point I am so convinced that I challenge anyone and everyone to find a situation that there is no meme for. Let's see if you can stump me and whoever else is interested. This could be a fun chain 😉 Anyone else feel free to chime in if...
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That has to be one of my favorite ways to describe myself. "A firecracker from the desert"... Some days I've got a little extra spark and some days I'm a dud! Haha

On another note, this is my first blog/post/anything and everything on Suicide Girls as Thimble and I could not be more ecstatic! I've been waiting ever so patiently and now the day is...
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Hello! Welcome to the site! :)
Thank you! It's great to be here :]