Going under the knife on September 5th for my bunk knee...My muscles have already begun to atrophy...YUCK!! Surgery will take an hour but fully recovering takes 6 months, what a bummer =( I will have a piece of a cadaver's (a.k.a. a dead human) ligament. I wonder if this person is alive and well right now walking about or if they freeze or store el...
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i once asked a wise man what the meaning of life is. he told me to fuck off. surreal

Hi. blush
Going to Big Surr in California tomorrow and to offset the hippyness of the place im going to Vegas for 12 hours...If i win maybe i'll extend my stay but i think 12 hours is sufficient to get the hunger to go back and go all out....
smile smile smile
Agreed, 12 hours is enough in Vegas but oh what a 12 hours it can be!
*SMACKY, SMACKY* confused
kick ass and take names at pool?
duno if i wana know. but if you ever give him one too hard you can always blame me.
Feeling good i guess....jesus 30 more oxycontins...not complaining at all...kinda lonely but...thats ok... confused
um...i'll come over and give you a massage?
Today is my fiances b-day and there is a water balloon assault in the works...My allies are team D.n.A...we will stealthfully attack from the eagle perch code name....the balcony...i wonder if he'll be a little upset...Oh well, it'll be fun regardless...we got em a t-shirt that says "i drop bombs like its my job" and he does...pee-yew...lol.
There is so much snow comin down....i think winter just started...im so ready for spring, i gots a new K2B bmx to cruise around on...cant wait to use it dammit!!!
Big snowstorm just passed through here as well. Winter is getting old fast.

I feel your pain.
i hate snow mad
well, i did it...i quit smoking....since the god damned 1st mad
fuck me...hit a button, so ill just comment on my own entry...ive been doin good so far and i know that if i have one it'll taste like complete ass...havent been sleeping really well..cant stop thinking about damn court case and now i retained another fucking lawyer to get my older 2s dad to pay full child support cause hes being a frivolous fucker....he has no idea and he will be angry...oh well...they are 7 and 9 and hes had it super easy but now hes making it difficult and overdrawing his account so fuck it...05' nissan pathfinder you cant afford el do it...and you live w/ your gf's parents and her 2 kids an hour and a half from your job, 2 from your rad boys...woah, sorry, tangent....lack of sleep eeek eeek eeek
instead of commenting in your own journal you can go hit the update button and where you type in your journal entries you can click on the date of this entry and edit it. i hope that helps.

and congrats on quitting smoking. good thing toio rumor has in NH is the next to ban smoking in bars.

and parents who don't help out suck... trust me i know.
Repost from the 22st for you wuggles.......

okay, so not drunk no more...Ok, so, court yesterday...i found out about an hour b4 my case that the cop was out "sick", ya sure, sick...poor thing couldnt make it to court...then i had to wait in the courtroom for almost 45 minutes b/c the judge had a "temporary" trial...wtf is that...i think thats the court holding out...
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Tonite i go out with the chicks and such that i work with at a barbershop. Should be fun....maybe later i can do some drunk typing...nothing like having it documented so you cant forget what an idiot you were...better than drunk calls to ex's and shit...chinese and alcohol woohoo!!! We are goin where i used to work b4 i gots my license taken away...they want...
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