The curtains of her thighs pressing her lips : where your world crumbles and her’s begins to build.


The worst invention in human history has been man’s hand in God's gift of a reflection.


Its the last day of September, I love September. My best childhood friend was born in September.I I miss my friend and I will again miss September. The heat of summer is mostly over and the extremes pause for a little while, starting in September. Oh, prepare now for winter, remember your September.


Time is the moment between the fraction of a tick and a tock; the exhale of a breath held in by the sound of broken glass.


Life. Like: A bullet always begins with a bang and ends with a whisper.


The way dried dirt on a shovel seems better than the red polish of blood on your fingertips.


Life is that micro-moment when your body shifts and bones crack in relief trying to hide a smile when she stares with love behind your arm and against your shoulder.