I am rather proud of myself. I hit one of my goals today. I bought a pair of size 36 pants awhile ago and I told myself I will get into these. Well today I tried them on and they fit! I was very excited. Just gives me more motivation to keep on the same path I am traveling down.


I must have these.. If I am really really good will someone buy these for me.. LOL



Too much study.. my brain is mush. Need to get up move..


Well after being off for almost a month I survived my first class back to Krav Maga on Saturday, it felt great being back. I even completed my Kubaton seminar. If you dont know what a Kubaton is, its a tool you carry on your key chain or whatever that is used for self-defense or offense, its handy to have. I proably would never use...
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Due to a lower back injury I have been off of my workout routine for what seems like a life time, but in reality its just been about a month. My injury should be healed enough to allow me to start up again, I have been going mad. Not working out is very hard on me mentally as its a form of release for me....
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Dont forget your towel ... today is National towel day. To you Mr. Douglas Adams


I find associating sexy ladies with studying really helps me remember the material



Well tonight I am going to my first Roller girl competition, its Star Wars and Roller girls how could I pass this up. I mean look at the advertisement



Ok just finished my 70-412 exam and it totally kicked my ass. That is just a freaking hard test, back to studying again. At least Microsoft is offering free retries until the end of this month.

@twizz yeah the test question at like WTF who comes up with these scenarios.  They make you feel dumb and I work is those environments on a daily bases.
here's what I can't stand - question sets with the same 15 multiple choice answers.