Does anybody even read these journal entries? Hello?
Muts... read... minimalist... journal... entry! tongue

Hello! biggrin
Hey, they finally aproved "The Mended Drum." We now have a PTerry group!! ;-)
Mantra: NeedtostudyNeedtostudyNeedtostudy.

It's not working dammit.
Yes, I know I haven't been updating. I've been busy. During the last week I've had to revise for my Computer Science exam, sort out some details for my flat for next year, finish an AI assignment and still attend lectures. And next week doesn't look too rosy either. Bear with me; I'll be back full time eventually.
I probably ate more cake yesterday than in the last few months combined. Let me elaborate: There was a birthday party for two girls I know. They baked a cake. Or rather, several cakes. Then the guests came and they (including me) had also brought cake. The end result being, well, I'm not allowed to use the o-word, but it was certainly a cake extravaganza....
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One word you don't expect to read in a Maths text is "parachute".

I'm sorry if my entries are so short lately, but I've been terribly busy. On the plus side, I finally seem to have found a flat. It comes at a reasonable price (well, reasonable for central Edinburgh anyway) and it's not too shoddy. Now I just hope the landlord lives up to...
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There's a new Terry Pratchett book out! Now if that isn't a nice birthday present. Thank's Terry biggrin
So apparently I'm not a teenager anymore. I wonder if this means that my acne will clear up now?

Don't know what I'm talking about? As of today, I've entered the wonderful world of the twenty-somethings. Or at least twenty-nothings.

In that spirit: Happy Birthday to me!
i found him 10 miles away playing cards biggrin

... I never gave much thought as to where they came from surreal , but i will take your word for it! why south germany? i thought they were irish little fellows...
Yeah, you are right surreal biggrin
Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.

That's the sound of me walking today. I knew it was not a good idea to go and play Ultimate Frisbee yesterday, but the weather was just too enticing. Now my aching muscles are paying the price.

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. blackeyed
Today was the first beautiful spring day in Edinburgh. Sunny weather and two parks within walking distance make you appreciate even more how much this city rocks.

Smile, it's Saturday. smile
and you made me smile. kiss
thank you.

happy saturday.
See, it's always like this. Whenever I finally find a good reason to become all mopey and dissatisfied with my life, something happens to cheer me up again.
Case in point: I just got an e-mail from a friend wishing me a Happy Birthday. This was unexpected for two reasons:

1) I didn't think he'd send me anything for my birthday.
2) It's not my...
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Yep. same here. makes the happy stuff that much more special though. smile
I just found out that the only good friend I made here in Edinburgh might move back to Finland next year. If I weren't of such a sunny disposition, I might be tempted to state that my life sucks. frown