Today I discovered a lizard in my bedroom. This isn't some sort of poetic metaphor or something. There was an actual lizard in my bedroom. I've had my window open the past few days since the weather has been nice, and I guess it crawled in through a small hole in my window screen.

I chased it around with a cup and a tupperware lid...
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Talk about an exciting and surreal moment
I haven't been around in a long time, which is kind of weird. You'd think I'd show up more as I'm paying for membership and all. On the bright side, a lot of gorgeous pictures to catch up on.

Life's been...lifey. I'm about to go into crazy editing mode on my book, so I can get copies before they expire from NaNo.

Other than that,...
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A bit overwhelmed, I guess.

When I first went to college, I moved 1200 miles away to Cleveland to do so. My dreams, at the time, were there, so it made sense. Two things happened in Cleveland. The first: I fell in love with the city and had some of the best experiences of my life.

The second: My depression and anxiety decided they'd been...
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Your ambitious and in my experience with ambition comes hopes and desires and ultimately depression when you cant reach those goals... and like me when you reach those goals you will find that your still not bloody happy!! its that desire to do better to be better and to live better that will make you a more interesting person than the person who is happy to do the very basic job and live in the same town they were born in (and will die in).

Good luck with your en-devour, try not to judge your self too harshly and give a moment to enjoy the now... because in 10 years time you will look back at these "golden days"... when really you need to realize they are perhaps happening now
I've been hearing a lot about this Amanda Todd girl. She made some mistakes and was subsequently mistreated because of them. She felt bad enough that she committed suicide.

I think the worst part is that people are saying she deserved it because of the mistakes she made. I see people saying she brought it on herself. People are even making jokes about, pretending to...
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Its a sad story, i just read up on it. People can be so cruel and especially kids, a friend of mine was afraid to tell her kids that their father was gay all because she was worried about what the kids at school would say and make fun on them... people can be so cruel
She did screw up, but she was a victim and I agree it is a sad story. I feel bad for her family and wish them the best. I hope they catch the bastard and string him up by his balls then break all the bones in his body. Also, there is a lesson to learn, maybe several some of which should be inherent in this tech oriented world we live in. While I have met many people through the internet in person later, you always have to keep a guard up. I think parents also need to be more involved in their kids online activities, not in an overly controlling fashion but much as when I grew up without internet my parents met my friends and knew their parents.
"The musings of a sick girl all drugged up on Nyquil."

That's what I would I would title this blog post if there were a spot for such a thing. Or I could just go ahead and call that the title, because fuck the site for trying to limit my ability to title things. Yeah.

I have orange juice and it is delicious.

On another...
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Indeed, life is what you make it... i think every one has fucked up at some point but if we let it drag us down we will carry that baggage all our lives... have fun, enjoy your self! who will care what you did with your life when your gone smile
All the thinking I've done.

The woulda, coulda, shoulda really weighs one down.

Fun is an elusive apparition.