So... thats weird.
I've been away from SG for two and a half years now.
... but today someone anonymously reactivated my account for 3 months. Which is especially surprising because I don't really know anyone on here.
Thanks, whoever you are. That was nice of you.
So... Im blogging again.

I hope someone else out there.. who reads this, understands the power of the black label 10 percent.

ah yes.

Um. I don't have anything of value to report. I've been slaving away at ye olde call center for the deaf... making the bucks.. paying the bills (or is it billz ?) and uh... trying my best to maintain some sort...
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sorry blog. I haven't been very nice to you these days. Not very considerate at all.

fact is, I'm actually super busy. For the first time in ages. My play goes up next week, and of course I've got all these lovely overdue essays.

Then its job-finding time. I'm extremely nervous about finding a job in Frenchland. All my experience is in front-line retail type...
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36-24-36? I hope you are joking. Otherwise I'd have to take you to a hospital, skinny.
oh montreal

you spoil me

with your deliciousness

I'm too drunk to speak

a girl from Cirque du Soleil hit on me tonight

it doesn't get any better

oh dear
Happy Birthday! smile
oh dear.

These matters of the heart can be fairly complicated (surprise surprise)

But I guess even though it's slightly distressing.. its much better than the mundane nonense I've been inflicting on myself for the past few years.

I feel like I shouldn't say too much, because I have some annonymous online snoopers these days..

reading week (aka the bender of the century) starts very...
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painting painting painting...

but I go to all the trouble of rehooking my computer up.. just for emails and sg... geez louise what a nerd.

this room will look far less ghetto with its new makeover

I was just hanging out a girl that I have been in love with for 5 years.. but she doesn't know about it... some advice.. never hang out with...
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i AM fun! thanks!
oh god the boredom!

How do I handle this? Saskatoon makes me lonely. I want to go back to the big city, where I don't know anyone.

And they were all right, when they told me that sleeping alone is no fun.

As requested, your comment has been beleted. Also. I looked at your profile, also as requested, and you have good taste in... everything. biggrin Umm. End Transmission.
You're back in toon town, eh? I'll have to come harass you sometime. smile

P.S. Shaved head = yummy goodness.

If any of you think you have bad study habits.. I assure you mine are worse.. I'm starting to think I might actually fail some classes this term.

So you see Bobs.. It's not that I'm lazy... it's that I just don't care.

and here I am.. 2 am.. trying to decide whether I should go to sleep so I can go to my...
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Sooo... funny thing.

I stabbed myself in the hand trying to pry apart two halves of frozen bagel.

Due to the incidental nerve damage.. I have surgery to look forward to on Monday.
Fucking hilarious really.

Hey, wanna see the funniest thing ever?
ah.. seriously.. laughed for days.

I'm very excited. I'm going to Sarah Slean tonight. I'm aware of how that just adds...
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hahaha, pure gold comedy that video.

Do *you* contribute to the Gross Domestic Patriotism Product of the USA? haha
annnnnd BOOM

just like that I'm living in Montreal. Well, I shouldn't say just like that. Actually it's been a lot of hard work this week. But now I'm here, eating cheese and bagettes, riding an old-timey bike around, cleaning moths out of my pantry, woo!

I think it's going to be a great year, despite that fact that I'm already more financially destitute than...
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