Bed. Boston in the morning for an appointment. I'm gonna ask for blood work while I'm there. I'm hoping this medication isn't causing more harm than good.


I've been on this new medication since June. The first few days as my body adjusted I felt like shit. Now it's October and I'm in the worst pain of my life. My hip and lower back are killing me when I walk. The pain when I put weight on my left leg is close unbearable. Even leaning on the bed to tie my shoe...
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It's the beginning of September and it's already only 45°. I'm not ready for the cold alone again. My dog won't even cuddle. I need the heat of another living thing in bed with me. Just give me 20 blankets I suppose.


Truck didn't pass inspection and needs a bunch of bullshit. Looks like I'm wasting the rest of the summer. Hopefully this mountain air keeps me sane.

This is probably the one time I wish I lived in the city. Everything is pretty spread out here.


The last couple weeks I've been feeling a little less depressed. I've actually been getting out of bed and feel like I can leave the house. I'm still dead inside but I feel like things are ok.