Why is it that the world expects you to know what your doing with the rest of your life at 22?

Ok, yes, I spent a lot of money on college. I learned a lot. AS whole lot. And the degree will help me in the future. Let's face it, a degree is a nice little helper in the real world. Well, sometimes.

But at...
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telll me about it.
im about to turn 27 and i have no idea what i wanna do when i grow up.

i got a good job right out of college, got my masters on their dime,
but its becoming increasingly clear this is Not what i wanna be doin the rest of my life.
so whatever, i'll move on soon,
try other things, see what fits.

so dont worry, you've got plenty of time to figure it out.
congrats on the employment.

and i've been here way too long, so i know plenty of decent places to go in this town.
let me know if you wanna check some of em out.

I would KILL to go to FX school! That's one of my favorite things to teach. Well, I've only really taught it once, but stage make-up and effects are so much fun to experiment with! Good luck with it!
6 Things never to say to a girl in a bar

1. Can you take my photo with your friends?
2. Can you give your friends my number?
3. Sorry, I don't go for thick girls.
4. No offence, but you make me feel short.
5. Are you Jewish, cause your nose is very Jewish?
6. Hey, your friends are hot, are they single?

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I think you might be going to the wrong bars.
man, there are some loser idiots at those bars you've been going to. you've got to be able to do better than that for your night life. wink

I have no idea what to do in life

I keep saying I want to go to LA and go to special FX makeup school. But I don't know if I can even do it well. I can't draw. Shoot.

I DON'T KNOW WHAT DO TO WITH MY LIFE!!! I grad in 4 weeks.

I called a bunch of the schools today. Most of them...
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nothing wrong with not knowing what you want to do with yr life. seriously. i'm still not sure about that shit.

but hey - my friend redmess is going to school for makeup and such with an eye to getting into special fx and whatnot - she's up in Vancouver, but is originally from texas herself. she might have some advice for you. plus, she's one of the coolest chicks in the whole world. you should talk to her. smile
watch it, love it, ask for more of it.
i do "the fix".
lordy lou i'm a geek.

i am getting another kitty. Or i might. I'm thinking about it.


Yes, i plugged it twice. It's live on the site Monday's and Thursday's 7:30 CT. You can IM us while we are on the air at fanboytv
Any IM thingy will work. Cause...
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aw is that you in the Flash t-shirt? i just went and watched your last "Fix". so cool.

and that's a hot wonder woman picture you added, lady. smile
I feel like a horrible person.

I am mad at my roommate for not getting me a birthday present.

Let me explain.

For the holidays this year we agreed to exchange gifts before we went home for break. I gave Nicole a Victoria Secret gift card with a tiny pink teddy bear. (Note I also got her a big gift for her birthday in September)....
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i know i'm getting to this really late, but... i hope you have not continued to feel like a bad person.

we all want our attention and caring to be reciprocated - it sounds like she takes advantage of your good nature, and i'm betting that you're upset about more than just the DVD. like, if she did show up with it, it probably wouldn't make the other ways she treats you OK...

i hope YOU are OK! kiss
that 70's show is awesome.
bookstores having sales is awesome
bookstores selling british tv shows for 99 effin bucks is DUMB
I am sick of logging drug movies.
Really sick. and i am having probs finding heroin and E movies that fit my criteria.

made from 1999-2006
set in modern times
needs to have pot, heroin, or E in it.

Movies logged so...
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argh. i guess my last suggestions was worthless then, since it's not American. sorry. sometimes i don't read the instructions correctly. wink

all that aside, you should see it sometime. it's a great film.
"i only did it with her because i'm in love with you"
"since when did doing it withsomeone else mean i wasn't faithful to you"
-Rules of Attraction

Read the book, see the movie. It made my think James Van Der Beek was a good actor. I have never laughed so hard at devious sex scenes. Bravo. Oh yeah, and his suicide scenes are awesome....
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i read that book back in college and enjoyed it - i should check out the film. i'll do some thinking about the drugs/movies connection for you, too. i love those sorts of movies, but all the ones i've thought of so far were made before 2000...

have a wonderful birthday if i don't talk to you before then - and good luck with the flowers. wink

oh - and thank you for the sweet testimonial. i'm glad i make you smile. hope to keep getting to know you better. kiss
dude, somehow i managed to post this in your last journal when i initially did it... confused surreal

but - i thought of a movie for you - one of my favorites...

Well this soap box looks all nice and boobalicious......

so i had a little chat with my mother. she told me she was going to stop harping me about my weight (lasted a day or two). I would like to be a little healthier (i want to be bendy and moving around when i'm old) and know i can outrun a serial killer. Also, it...
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it's wonderful that you've gotten to a state where you enjoy yourself and see the beauty in people. this site has helped me in making connections and sharing myself. it's pretty much a good thing all around.

oh - i thought of one! one of my favorites, actually...

On the bright side i have watched DVD's 2/3 of House season 1. Sadly the eppy that has a HUGE amont of overall plot movement is MESSED UP. Sad face. And I need DVD 1.


So at midnight, the exact stroke of 12 i was holding my cat (what, he is the only man in my life right...
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there are times when i really miss living alone. because i hate wearing pants around the house. i miss doing dishes nekkid.

oh yeah, happy hanukkah everyone from this cathew to you.

cathew- a person with a catholic parent and a jewish parent who was raised in both faiths and is rather confused.. and guilty. cause jews invented guilt, catholics perfected it.

blackeyed love bok oink ooo aaa miao!! miao!! miao!!
hahaha... pants are overrated, eh?