Still no intarweb.
Many fruitless and frustrating fights with bellsouth.
Hatred building up again.
I need a change of venue.
Hopefully it will happen soon.
Maybe I might just fly away.
Or even spirited away.
One can hope.
I think everyone hopes for that at some level, whether an actual physical liberation or just a mental one.
I think everyone hopes for that at some level, whether an actual physical liberation or just a mental one.
I bought the suicide girls dvd in my school bookstore the other day and it is awesome. Just thought that I should put that out there.
they're selling that at the bookmart?? whoa.
Ok so the hurricane came and went through like me when I have had too much to drink. A wake of destruction as far as the eye can see. People becoming closer to each other from the trauma of the event. While others are left feeling angry and powerless in the face of an unstoppable force. I nerded it up as I weathered the storm....
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Ok. I have been absent for a while. One of my roomies hid our phone/internet bill. So our internet got turned off. I don't know what is with these past two roomies just not paying bills. I have never had anything turned off on me. It makes me feel poor, and I have a job and all kinds of thinks I want and need. Sadly...
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I read it!
Alrighty, here is a synopsis of the last month or so. Went to see GWAR and Clutch. This was my second time to see both of these bands. Both were amazing but my only complaint is that it was TOO short. Hallucinated and saw an elven civilization being built only to be annihilated by ogres. Went to and threw some awesome parties. I broke...
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Yes, that was a perfect example of evolutionary epidemology.

I also like what you have listed as "stats.'
GWAR and Clutch. I get to see them later today. Ain't that great.
yo! you got ticks for nails on the new tour? i bet you do. which shows? I got amber and her male-friend tix for hotlanta. dig it.
Hope that the shows went well. I've seen them both live and enjoyed both events.
Yeah, I know that I haven't been updating like I should. Hell I don't know if anybody reads this. Lately I have been nerding it up playing Magic and watching anime and lots and lots of boning. I went to some parties and I did some pillaging. Last weekend I went to my friend Jeff's birthday party. It entailed baby oil wrestling and boozing. I...
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haha, maybe they already have lyme disease, so they're just not worried about it.
I'm not talking about Hershey. You know what I wanna know. wink biggrin kiss
it worked!!! Thanks its been bugging me for ages I just bookmarked all these people ages ago to see what would happen. Cause I was new and dumb. Now they are gone woohoo!!

Starkville, MS--That isn't areal place is it? Your taking the piss right?