it finally stopped raining. yay! i'm goin' hiking today. *insert maniacal laughter here*
thankyou for the set comment! xxx
so, today is monday, and i just saw comments on my last entry. sorry about that pavlovsdog, i was on a mission. zenobia said she wanted to hang out sometime this week, so keep in touch. vuokko, sorry about that. i was thinking more like emails. im not used to this internet thing. i hope you are well.
It's cool. If you and zenobia hang out and want a third wheel tell her to give me a call.
hello whomever is there:
doesn't really matter, i'm just writing because i have nothing else to do at the moment. i was going to go hiking today, but i got stung by a yellowjacket, and half my leg doesn't work at all. well, i got to clean the house, because Kate's mom is coming to get the cat today. can't leave her with a bad...
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Hello! I deleted your comment because I hate you. Kidding. It was because it had my name in it.

I hope your leg gets better soon! Ouch...

Tell Kate and her mamma I said hello. smile

Hey I saw you going into the Pizza company tonight. I was about to say hi, but you seemed to be on a mission. See you later.
hello to whomever is paying attention. recently, vuokko and zenobia advised me to write something in my journal. well, this is it. i have spent the whole summer playing in the mountains. woods, rivers, streams, waterfalls, valleys, peaks, you name it, i did it. i have never had such a great time in my life. alas, i have to go to grad school in the...
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Hello, somebody is listening.

I like your attitude `do everything now`.

Keep that attitude your whole life and you won`t go far wrong.

I`d love some time to play in the Mountains. Must take my own advice and just fuck of somewhere this weekend.

Anyway keep well, stay off the Tv (I hate it to) and I agree with your vices section too. I smoke a lot but don`t find it a problem. wink