Saw a good show again. Still going to them solo, but I'm meeting some "show friends". I had a lot of them in Denver, but none so much here. Going to smaller venues helps. Another show tomorrow night. I need to get some flyers done.
Thinking about playing some poker tonight. I haven't played in awhile. Might be worth it.

Good luck if you play tonight. It has been ages since I played. AGES.

I bent my shaft...

My golf game has been atrocious of late. It hasn't kept me from going out every week, but it should. I started off the year with an awesome score, for me, but its been all down hill from there.
The key to my game is my Calloway 3 wood. I can hit is straight and longish. But since a month or...
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I'm still stuck on you bent your shaft.

Okay, I'm past your shaft. wink

I'm thinking spikes on my cast actually. Good for moshing. wink Though schiavona came up with putting fur on the cast to be fashionable.


[Edited on Jun 02, 2006 2:22PM]
Science show went good. Impressed some of the kids, made large fireballs of assorted colors, always a crowed pleaser. (mail me for directions)
I sort of got myself into a mess with a girl who has a BF. I'm not that interested in her as more than a friend, but she digs the hell out of me. She must be mental, I know it. I...
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I will prepare the jaws of life for you my friend, incase the crash and burn is that bad. wink he he.

You take care.

Tomorrow I get to play Bill Nye the Science Guy to some HS students on their last day of classes. Its at a pretty rough school, so I'm acutally looking forward to it. Most of my trips are to white bread suburban schools.
Its flippin hot outside already. Memorial Day and BAM! summer is here.
Lots of rock shows this summer too. Hopefully they don't...
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Have fun tomorrow!

Stay out of trouble, and if any of them make any sudden moves, mace 'em.

Massachusetts NEEDS to be in there. kiss
Take a minute today to remember those fellow Americans who gave their lives for our Freedom. We might not agree with what our leadership is doing, but those of us in Uniform do a difficult job so that 99% of us don't have to.

well, tonights show made last night's show look like the Warped Tour. I completely lost my ass tonight. I basically paid about $350 for some bands to play tonight. But do you know what? It was worth it. The few kids who came out (~30) got an awesome show. Deception Point, 5ive Star Service and Kilowatt fucking rocked out. Kilowatt is so good. This was...
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Can I tea bag you? he he. Kidding.

I'm sorry that you lost your ass love. That does suck, but you did what you had to. Life is shitty like that at times. wink

So, my show tonight at the Praha was less than good. The bands were awsome, but the turnout left a little to be desired. I ended up eating about $50, that is 50 in the red. So instead of making money, I paid 50 to stand outside and card people all night. And this was the show that was supposed to make me break even...
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I've decided to give it a go for the summer. I'm at least going to honor all of my commitments. (Thanks Alita)

So, 2 shows this weekend. I really hope they don't suck. My line-ups have changed so much I should just make flyers that say "rock show" and the time.

Against Me and None More Black are 2 amazing bands. Pick up their CDs!...
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I've decided to give it a go for the summer. I'm at least going to honor all of my commitments. (Thanks Alita)

So, 2 shows this weekend. I really hope they don't suck. My line-ups have changed so much I should just make flyers that say "rock show" and the time.

Against Me and None More Black are 2 amazing bands. Pick up their CDs!...
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