Yeah, so I am kinda upset, I have known this guy for a year, and thought all he wanted was a casual friendship and sex, which (sex) he never got, just saying. So we went out, just to hang out, and (duh) I have dated a guy in the past year, and he gets so pissed, saying he wanted to date me, and that I...
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aw sweetie... kiss
Shit, it's Friday, and I am home... spent the other night in the bathroom, puking and what not, then slept (on and off) for like, 16 hours! Heavy leg day was half assed because I was so nauseous! Shit. Hmmm, my baby boy Gordy is in the bean bag, he is so cute! If I had any computer sense I could put more, better, and...
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Awwww, sorry to hear you're sick. Hope you're feeling better fast!
I am thinking of getting my next tattoo on the outside of my wrist, but I am not sure. My dad has a tattoo there that I want a similar one and have DAD in it, and maybe one for mom on the other. I have been hesitating for a while though.
I say go for it! biggrin
I am up, tired, and can't sleep, and I have to be at work this AM! Shit! I finally went out again for the first time in forever, and it was ok, but I want to get back into DC clubbing! Hmmm...I really should go jogging, but it might be cold at 01:39 in the am; it gives me time alone to think, but sometimes...
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I am trying to meet new people on here that live near me to hang out with, go clubbing with, whatever.
You should check out the SGDC group...lots of fun kids there.
Hi there! Saw your post in the weight loss group and thought I'd stop by and say hi. Welcome to SG! smile Always nice to see another health care slave in the crowd! I have two babies as well -- you should check out the kitties group. LOTS of people there who care about cats.miao!!

See you around, I'm sure!

[Edited on Apr 01, 2006 10:16PM]