I think it's funny, yet depressing that out of my entire state, I live in one of 2 blue counties (Indiana has like 90 some counties).

Have you seen the video of Bush giving an unwanted back massage to the Chancellor of Germany? Yikes. He's such an embarassment.
I want to know what is the deal with this whole "blue" and "red" crap. I think it IS crap. Democrat, Republican, White, Black, Jew, Muslim...bullshit, we are fucking AMERICANS.

All of those turds up in DC are full of crap, no matter what party they (currently profess to) belong to.


I was watching the credits roll for Futurama and a thought hit me. Seeing all these names of people who came together to make an animated show for my entertainment. It took the combined efforts of all these different people, with their own beliefs and personalities, working together and in unison to produce a half-hour animated show that brings delight and joy to many (including...
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I like you.

I heard about the position I put in for. It seems that 2 appointed people have also applied for the position. This is really confusing cause it would be a bad move for them. It's only a 3/4ths position. So they would lose their healthcare benefits for 3 months and take a pay cut. My boss, Roy is confused by this as is everyone on...
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Good fucking God. As if Beirut hasn't been through enough troubles. Israeli warplanes just bombed the airport there. They said they were striking "Hezboullah" targets. Right, so just lob explosives at innocents too while you're at it. I fucking hate Israel. They are a fucking liability (and have been for a long time) to the US and we should cut ties with them. Just...
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Francis, Fish and I busted ass all over Yellowwood State Park today.

I don't want to see another hiking trail for quite awhile. We hiked all the way around Yellowwood Lake which is probably only like 5 miles all the way around but it seemed like 10. We also went off trail up a huge hill at like at least a 45 degree incline. Once...
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Thanx for the set comments! kiss

I spent last weekend up at my parent's house visiting relatives from my mom's side of the family. The side I love the most. My dad's side is kinda schitzophrenic in the way we interact. His side just isn't big on reunions/get togethers. I totally understand that feeling too, I have it as well. So it's not like I'm mad at my dad's side of...
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That video is of a charity show put on by my best friend who's in Japan for JET. He's dressed as Hard Gay. I'm so proud of him. It's good to see him doing great things like this... kinda makes me feel like crap cause I'm not doing anything near as humanitarian atm... though I did pledge some money to Planned Parenthood awhile back.
I just dreamt that I was strapped to a bed in a sterile looking room. I had just woken up from a dream. A hardened looking special agent in tinted shades pressed a Desert Eagle .357 to my temple and told me not to dream because my dreams were bad for the nation's security. I looked at him and said, "Are you gonna shoot me...
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1. Name: Becky Jane *****
2. Birthday: 12/08/1982
3. Where you live: Cedar Falls/Waterloo, Iowa
4. What makes you happy: Passion, music, family, friends, beauty, sleep, travel, love
5. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Gnarls Barkley
6. An interesting fact about you: I sleep with an eye-mask on
7. Are you in love/do you have a crush at the moment?: Crushes (and timeless loves)
8. Who?: A few guys (the ones you cant stop loving, but you move on and learn from)
9. Favorite place to spend time: So many placesbut England is where my heart is
10. Favorite song: All My Little Words by the Magnetic Fields
11. Favorite lyric: Your heart wont heal right if you keep tearing out the sutures (Nothing Better by the Postal Service)
12. The best time of the year: Autumn

1. A film: A Clockwork Orange
2. A book: The Time Travelers Wife
3. A band, a song, or album: Gomez

1. One thing you like about me: Cute!
2. Two things you like about yourself: Im passionate and Im compassionate
3. Look at my friends-list and tell what you like about one of our mutual friends: Im too lazy to look.
Fill this out and leave your answers in a comment please! smile

1. Name:
2. Birthday:
3. Where you live:
4. What makes you happy:
5. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:
6. An interesting fact about you:
7. Are you in love/do you have a crush at the moment?:
8. Who?:
9. Favorite place to spend time:
10. Favorite song:
11. Favorite lyric:
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it's been a month and a half since i turned 24. It seems like it's been so much longer.

I've been in kind of a sad mood for a few days recently, cause I couldn't stop remembering the only time I intentionally killed a smaller animal.

It was in the summer six or seven years ago. My mom, my dog Lindsay, and I were visiting...
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Yeah, that kind of stuff affects me the worst. As a kid I was a really good shot. Needless to say it took me some time to realize that I was actually hurting the critters. I still regret it to this day. Any time I have hit animals in my car, I cry.

Humans, bah. Animals, I'm a mess.

