Fallout 3 New Vegas, the easiest way to ensure that you absolutely do not accomplish anything during a day. Luckily my roommate is camping the xbox...wait...now I'm just on this....bliyat!
All I have to say is fuck shoes...oh and the pawn shops here in AZ have way too much in the way of xbox games and power tools, and way to little of random old tech...and zero radios.
Paying attention to SG and SG Chat again, damn I forgot what fun it is to get blasted and surf chat.
Alright, vicodine fun...listening to the sounds of Marines being Marines outside...not fun, in fact....FUCKING ANNOYING!!! eh....vicodine...
i know this is an old post, but marines, enough said smile
I wonder if I should initiate the no comm plan...wait, that hasn't been established for around here...damn, and the rockets aren't within reach either....but the beer is...so I guess that'll have to do...
LOL.... I wonder about you sometimes, and yet.... strangely understand you at the same time..... eeek *HUGGSSSSSSSSS* to add to your cyber collection biggrin ooo aaa
I'm not liking how many freakin' numbers are in ballistics/trajectory calculations...I mean holy hell, did we really need this complicated of a world to live in? Where all physics data has to be crunched with so many unknown constants and variables that we can't even put real numbers to? Come on...this is like having a DOS machine in an XP world. Although it is always...
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smile smile
Yeah, def had an awesome guy weekend but now that I'm sitting here Mon morning...ow... I feel about like hammered dog shit right now. But oh well, SG party Fri night wasn't all that great, lot a wierd OLD guys there, then again I didn't stay more than an hour. Just bounced to an ASU party, got drunk and decided to go wander at 0400ish...
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So I'm having mild fun off the SG chat, as well as beer...can't really ask for a better monday....anyone disagree?
So I just had fun painting a damn building for the day...pretty sure painter wasn't in my application to the Marine Corps Infantry...
Yep, def enjoying sitting around on base with nothing to do...wouldn't it make so much more sense if they'd just let the people that are EASing and NOT deploying again just leave already? I mean who the hell cares if some piece of paper says that I don't get out until summer...I'm sure as hell not doing anything now, just a waste of time and...
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Nah I'm not out until July, and then we're technially Inactive reserve for a few more years...just means we have the possibility of being activated and sent somewhere.
just note to post back to me click on my pic smile
as for your deal...at least you'll have a bit of time off uh?
Wee, booze, truck full of fuel, and mags full of 230grn FMJ...and no place to go....FAIL