Damn I'm having one of those days where nothing is really happening musically - I try ideas and none of them stick, they sound ok, but not really interesting enough to make the cut. I've been trying to push on through and hoping it was just a slow start, but it's not working. Time to walk away for the rest of the day I guess and come back when I am feeling more inspired.
Why is it when you have the time to be creative inspiration often deserts you, but then as soon as you are at work or somewhere where you can't just up and do what you want the ideas and urge to create are awlays much stronger? Argh, so frustrating!!!
Any tips from fellow musicians/artists/creative types out there? What do you do when you get stuck for ideas?
Why is it when you have the time to be creative inspiration often deserts you, but then as soon as you are at work or somewhere where you can't just up and do what you want the ideas and urge to create are awlays much stronger? Argh, so frustrating!!!
Any tips from fellow musicians/artists/creative types out there? What do you do when you get stuck for ideas?
That's so awesome!
I wish I got clients that prolific!