There was my not accepted photoshoot 😭💙, It would be the #4 SG shoot... I worked a lot on that, but it had many issues according to "cultural appropiation and so on ... I'm sad, but I want to share some of my favourites pictures... I hope that u like. Xoxos

Ugh.  There's certainly such a thing as detrimental cultural appropriation, but with no borrowing from other cultures and no imitation there's no cultural evolution.  New ideas aren't some platonically pure phenomenon - they spring from re-interpreting the things we come into contact with: often the things that are new to us.  Those are likely to be from outside our own culture, or they wouldn't be new.  Without appropriation there's no Rock'n'Roll, no BBQ, no Kurosawa, no Picasso (at least not his best stuff).
Cultural appropriation? Heaven help us, the madness has knocked on the door and we've let it in. @fullfeeling understands this. I just wish more people did. I'm waiting for acting to be banned and only autobiography to be allowed.

From trippy


🎀🎀Thanks for support on my last set baby

You welcome beauti babe, I'ts with many love and admiration, thanks to you back, plz follow me back :3 <3

From teva


Thank you for all of the love on my sets and blogs <3

You welcome beautiful, I'ts an interesting, funny and cute content, soo <3

Bellaaa!!! Gracias por todo el amor 🖤🖤🖤

Con mucho gusto y cariño bb hermosa, un feliz 2023, solo prosperidad & felicidad para nos... <3

From maleh


Hermosa gracias por el comentario en mi set! ❤️

Con muchisimo gusto bb divina, continue to be great! muaaa  💛💥