I believe there might be some nu-metal tucked away some where, (i was young and foolish).
the other half that I've been speaking about in my journal entries is actually my hubby- I just tend to call him the other half for some reason
it's the weekend smile and it's going to go one of two ways either bloody great, or bloody shit.

Two reasons for this;

1. Going to see if we can afford to live closer to my work and therefore cut my 4 hour commute amost in half, if we can then biggrin if we can't then frown

2. West Ham play they're FA CUp semi final tomorrow, they...
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Yeah, see, it totally sounds like it should be a horror movie setup, except that people in Japan really are that friendly (at least in the small towns).
Mine grows a bit every week *wink wink nudge nudge*.
came in to work feeling throughly pissed off and miserable due to lot's of things that I don't have time to go in to right now as I must actually do some work today frown

but I did get this in my emails today
hello i love you
which put a smile on my face smile
Damn, you've uncovered my secret identity, I am the guy who writes the plots for all porn in japan, they keep me here locked to a radiator and feed me only milk... tongue
more strange email messages.

hi is there any lady that like have sex with my bog coke/////////// ///////////sex with me///////// see u

I really do wonder what these people are thinking when they write in are they drunk? do they think what they're saying makes sense or are they all barking mad.... questions, questions, but no bloody answers
It sounds like you need a new email account confused Although your name is Spamtwo, so maybe you're just a junk mail magnet as a result wink

Heh, I wonder if any of my students get a kick out of my American accent when I speak Japanese. They're probably more interested in how I'm butchering the language, though.
I think it might be. And if there are 2 Harry Potter-lookin' kids, they have to bus one out to a school where the don't have one. You know, for balance.
back in the office today, so I suppose I'd better do some work wink

but here are a couple of the latest messages from my inbox;

je suis un jeune homme age 33ans cherche une femme pour le mariage

need forced sex movies
Eh, work is overrated! Or maybe I just say that because every time I'm in my office it means I have absolutely nothing to do and waste most of the day on the internet confused
I had the day off work today, but like an utter fool I've decided that I should do some work as I'm stupidly busy at the moment.

The only good thing about this is I'm working from home so I get to do work, listen to my own music without headphones and post on SG.

Which brings me to something I've been thinking about, is...
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I use to wonder if this was a phrase, but I figure if it is at least it's one involving attractive naked women. Isn't it a shame that no-one writes emails with any sense of grammer anymore.
Yes thanks to Loyalty cards soon Governments will be able to make policy decsions entirly based on what you want.
just checking my work email (yes I'm that sad I check my work email on my days off skull )

and I recevied the following email from one of our viewers

play movie about sex with animal on channel

now personaly I find this more disturbing than the emails about watersports and scat and some of those are pretty weird. confused

Just hope this guy doesn't live...
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I know lots of girl gamers. You guys aren't looking hard enough wink
I saw documentary on C4 ages ago about people who have sex with animals, I will watch most things and not flinch, but the sight of several fat americans saying about some horses "Oh yeah, they want it you can tell." actually made me turn off the TV and I feel disturbed just remembering it.
to misquote Radiohead.....

I'll take a quiet life, a job that slowly kills you, no alarms and no surprises please.
hell is other people, over quoted I know, but it's true mad