I'm very convinced she's cheating on me, and leaving for San Francisco (where he lives) this weekend. You may not know her, but feel my pain. Cheat on me?!?! Why?

Nevertheless, I soldier on. If I've learned one thing in this hectic youth so far, it's this: use drama in your life as motivation for change. That has yet to let me down.
if she's cheating on you, get rid of her. you're better than that
Thanks for the support, Lecia. It's hard going through this. I want to just pack up the car like a country western song and bounce, but....

Part of my guilt is that I cheated on her MEGA bad once (two years ago) and she forgave me (or did she?). I struggle with that the most.
Ok, why is it still raining in LA? I don't understand. Not that mind TOO much; it matches my mood today.

Had fun shopping this weekend on Sunset. Blew all my money, but I felt so Hollywood, so fuck it.

Ate some food that did not agree with me Sunday, spent time worshipping at the Porcelain Mosque. Yuck.

Thinking of quitting my job. I'm getting...
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It's a beautiful California Friday. I think I'll buy some chronic tonight, enjoy my new DirecTV and home theater system. (Ever listened to Bloc Party in 5.1? Bitchin'......)

I am so lovin' people accepting my friend requests. You all are so sweet....
Thursday, thusrday. Cinco de Mayo. I just ate a burrito in its honor.

June gloom seems to have come early to LA. My head is cloudy as well. Thankfully I get to leave work early today.

Peace to my growing group of SG friends. Thanks for making me feel at home.

Beware the freeway shooter....
welcum to my list smile
Alone, with nothing but my iPod shuffle, my '88 Mercedes, and hopes of making it as a music producer en LaLaLand. The girl has gone, taking with her so much of my future...or at least, the future I had constructed in my mind.

My only hope is that coming days bring clarity, and hope.
Back in full effect, after a Coachella-less weekend. I shall lament it no more. The California sunshine was shining everywhere, so even though I couldn't be out in Indio, I enjoyed myself nonetheless.

SG peeps are actually accepting my friend invites, which is pretty cool. I don't know that it really matters, but at least I'm not a total dork.

So, anyway, happy Tuesday to...
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How could a day turn from so good to so bad? Yesterday I wason cloud nine, looking forward to Coachella. Then, my car gets wrecked...and not by me! And then my "back-up car" decides to break down on the 405 during rush hour. AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!! For real.

Thank God for weed and my prescription Vicodin, or else I wouldn't have made it.
Back from Seattle and a few well-deserved days off. I am extra looking forward to Coachella this weekend. Bloc Party,...that's what it is right there, folks. Arcade Fire should be a sweet set, too. Who else is heading out there?
I'm going to Seattle tomorrow, but not looking forward to it, as I must travel with this fuckin' toothache. Ah, dentistry, cast your spell on me.....

Nevertheless, I soldier on. Beautiful sets today from both ladies keep me powered up.
I have a toothache, and it is wack. Pain leads to wisdom; hence the fact that these are known as wisdom teeth, I guess.

What a great start this week is off to.