I dreamed about the playa last night.

I woke up feeling totally energized... at 8am? Huh? I sat down in front of a calendar and... it looks like I really can't go. Unless I somehow find my boss a couple of people for while I'm gone... which I'm in the process of doing. I'm hopeful. le sigh.
Best of luck finding people to cover for you at work! biggrin I really, really hope you can make it!
My friend Geoff really needs a SG account.. I mean, he got me the SG book and everything for my birthday. Mayhaps I should gift him an account...

Today he and I are heading into SF to check out Isotope's new place. It looks verrrry swank. I'm excited. Possibly going to a Phenomenauts show over in Oakland later.

Harry and the Potters are playing in...
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Holy shit! You seem pretty awesome, too. What kind of DSLR do you want to get? I just bought a Rebel, but the effing shutter broke and now it's just an expensive paperweight. I am steaming mad! I had wanted to start shooting sets for lovely ladies such as Solaris.

PS Don't overdose on soy. I hear that it can make you moody, and most girls totally don't need to be more emotional. Hahaha.
Hi cutie!

Thanks for the well wishes about my accident. I went and saw a Doctor today and she said I just had muscular strains. The best part is that she prescribed valium so I am a very happy whiplash victim now. smile I'm saving some valium for the playa so you best stop by our camp. wink We're hoping to camp around 8:30 and Delirium. *crosses fingers*

Both me and alcoholickitten hope to see your cute ass on the playa.
Cute. smile

Are you going to burn this year?
Soooo... recent proliferations? Well, not entirely recent.

Annie (girlfriend of 2 1/2 yrs) and I broke up a month or so ago... she was the pink haired girl with me in the prom photos a couple posts back. It was a good relationship. 'tis done.

Been working for the PR company... making money. I'm gonna buy a nice mac laptop for college... I'm very excited....
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Another chocolate gummy bear fan?! I love it! Too bad you can't find them in the stores anymore frown

Don't you worry about the ladies, if you go to UCSC you'll be surrounded by so many hot lesbians you won't even know what to do with yourself!! So sit back and enjoy your summer of freedom wink

rarrrg... sorta back from sabbatical, maybe?

I bought gumpop.com.. gonna start a comics/toys/alt pop culture blog.

Right now I'm working for a marketing gig and a local movie rental place... I'm working like 45 hours a week. When school comes, it'll be almost refreshing...

Hopefully I'll go surfing Thursday morning.

surfing on thursday sounds so nice.........

its good to hide out once in a while.... i go on sabbatical quite often....helps me easy the mind

[Edited on Jul 21, 2005 11:03AM]
Welcome back!! Getting ready for college? Freshman year is a lot of fun. You're going to UCSC right? When do you start?
So, yep, I'm barely legal now. Shh, don't tell. I guess I should revert my bday on this here account wink

Sunday night was prom followed by partypartyparty. I got my hair cut Saturday night. We took the ferry into the city with a group of friends and then walked to the Masonic and stopped at the Metreon and the Mandarin (for the view) on the...
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Kawaii ne! Nice pictures.... so I might get to go to Japan this summer... didn't think it was gonna happen, but an internship came up outta nowhere, I find out tomorrow whether or not I will get it.... Enjoy the last shards of high school!
Do you ever update? I'm in Japan now yo!
feliz cumplianos a ti
yeah, buying porn is never as fun as it would seem. When i turned 18 i bought a copy of "Big Butts" as it was the raunchiest magazine available. Man that was hard to look at!! puke
I think piercings are definately a good idea though wink
Put up some pictures in my pics folder... too lazy to resize stuff so I just grabbed a few things that were under 100kb... that's one of the only burningman pics I have of myself, although I'm sure some critical tits photographer has one or two of me.

I am ready for summer. Ready ready ready. Ready for a job and money. Sadly, the parents...
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I can't go to SBC park without getting some garlic fries smile Of course it cost me a shit load of cash ($19 for a beer, fries and a coke!!) but it was well worth it. I can still taste the garlic on my breath blush

the stupid Giants lost though.
So the heart sculpture will have to wait, because I'm just gonna do something simpler for my first sculpture.. probably a robot.

I think I'm getting a summer job with guerilla PR (guerillapr.com) which I'm really excited about. Trying to get my parents to pay for a CHP motorcycle course for my bday, so I can get licensed and start getting my shit together to...
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Good luck with the motorcycle course!! I've always wanted to get a bike license. Lucky.
So you're telling me I have to go all the way to Tokyo in order to get good Indian food! That doesn't seem quite right smile And you probably don't want to hear this, but there isn't much in the way of indian restaurants in Santa Cruz. There was one that I knew of and frequented but the staff there are really up tight. But their "to go" portions are hefty and tasty as fuck.
Long Live Chicken Korma!!
No, i haven't quite processed everything enough to actually look at the photos... maybe I'll do that now. Oh, post rf blues...
I might get to make a really awesome metal sculpture and bring it to Burningman! So excited!

I'm in an Engineering academy at my school, and my Eng. teachers were really awesome, they decided that for the last project of the year, while everyone else is making balsa wood bridges, I get to do a welded metal sculpture of some kind...

I'm thinking of doing...
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Wow, the sculpture sound amazing! Maybe I'll see it when I go! I assume you will be attending?