There are no mistakes or wrong turns, only unexpected paths and lessons; that is the beauty of life. While we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change; so that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love.

Totally agree :)

People and circumstances will occasionally break you down. But if you keep your mind focused, your heart open to possibility, and continue to put one foot in front of the other, you will be able to quickly recover the pieces, rebuild, and come back much stronger than you ever would have been otherwise.


"You don't need another human being to make your life complete, but let's be honest. Having your wounds kissed by someone who doesn't see them as disasters in your soul but cracks to put their love into is the most calming thing in this world."


How strange that the nature of life is change, yet the nature of human beings is to resist change. And how ironic that the difficult times we fear might ruin us are the very ones that can break us open and help us blossom into who we were meant to be.