Reading Susan Sontag's "On Photography" has given me a lot of food for thought. Photography has become a catalogue of our collective human consciousness. Before WWII the most brilliant photographers were doing their best to redefine what "beauty" was. What was "worth" photographing. Now that everything can be thought of as beautiful and meaningful, where does that leave the indiviudual? What is one to do...
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hey, happy birthday!
My Saturday:

Rose rather early at eight. I called S to see if he wanted to do moring gongyo and do maybe an hour of chanting. He did, so we did. After that we wandered over to R's pad. There materias primas were retrived, and we took a walk into the canyon that surrounds our school. About halfway down into the canyon on the side...
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Congrats! Sounds like you are well on your way to becoming what you want!

Sadly, I'm 10 years out of college and have kept in touch with only about 5 people. Kids and careers have a way of getting inbetween friends. frown
12,239 words later, my thesis is turned in. It could be a lot better. On to bigger and better things now.

28 more days until I graduate and am no longer a college student (at least for the time being).

200 pages behind in reading for my Modern Asian Literature class. Murakami Haruki is a twisted, brilliant fellow.

22 notes to learn to play on...
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Good to see you back.

I now have to google the phrase, "phenomenological abstraction". wink
Ah, salsa and strip.....that's a combo I can get behind.

What's on the docket for this weekend?
Back at the Grandparents again. I'm going to try and stay up all night so I can get myself in the groove for working nothing but graveyard shifts all this week. Again.

The Chesapeake region youth division and I finally had our big event at the community college. Over all I regard it as a success. The attendees were mostly already-members, but if we even...
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Good luck with everything. The Youth Division sounds promising. It's great that people look up to you so much that they make you the leader after two weeks. That says a lot about you.

Day by day, man. Take care...

Well we finally got a verdict. It's a matter of weeks if left unchecked, and surgery is too risky to be worth it. So we're going to have as many of the family close to her at all times until the end, which will be suffocation, since the tumor is inside the spinal column, next to the nerve that controls the diaphragm. We can...
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Oh my....I'm sorry to read this. I can't imagine what you're going through. If you want to message me to talk, I'm around....
Ahhh....finally free of the job at the pizza place. Now I'll actually have time to get all I want done this summer.


1. Read Torah
2. Read The Human Revoultion by Ikeda
3. Get back in shape.
4. Keep practicing Spanish.
5. Save enough for a new Camera.

*Cracks Knuckles*

Let's do this.
Mythbusters hat? What's up with the berret and the mustache? Either he's a virgin, or he's hung like a donkey....those are the only two people that can pull off that look.

Anyway, welcome!
I am so glad you enjoyed the new Alexsandria Shoot. Check out my journal for behind the scenes.

Woke up today to the sound of my boss's voice on the phone asking me to come into work. What's the best possible way to see me angry? Start messing with me when I'm half asleep and/or tired.

I signed on wanting a 40 hour week. I've been racking up 60 usually. Good for money, detrimental to my life outside work. I argued for...
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My two days in Guayaquil. The heat, the 8 hour bus ride there, meeting the amazing local memebers. Seeing her for the second time.

Floating down the Tiputini river in the heart of the Amazon, staring at the sky, watching trees pass, tasting the air.

Eating ants that taste like lemon on one of our hikes through the jungle.

Being blessed by a shaman with...
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