Moving Day is tomorrow but to anyone who has ever moved today is packing day so i might not be on here for a week because of the place im moving not having the internet until the start of next month. so here is myself wishing myself luck on the drive and all that glorious stuff.

peace out

no i'm just waiting for my set to go l ive.... i've been waiting since late october... pooh i have no idea when i'm going live frown
nice graff man
Let me first start by saying that yes i know what i did was stupid and yes i know what it was wrong but at the same time i wasnt exactly thinking.

Anyways let me also state that a month from now i would of been quiting anyways to move up to my friends house in Lompoc to help him, his fiancee, baby, and 2...
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well it wasnt that stupid. that kind of trade happens all the time. i cant tell you how many bags of crickets I gave away...

or guinea pigs....

hey, a snakes gotta eat right?
for sure for sure. i look at it for the better. i mean i would of been moving anyways now it just forces me to make it happen sooner. this will be my first time moving and its kind of over whelming considering no matter how much i brag about all the stuff i can make fit in my honda my bed, computer desk, or couch wont fit in it so i gotta rent a damn uhaul or some shit. good luck to me hope your doing good im sure we will bump into each other in the future again. i would really like to hear some stories of your travels.
So come thursday ill be booking a train ticket from santa maria to sacramento to a friends (early) birthday party so on september 30th im heading to Lompoc to help my best buddy, his fiancee, daughter and 2 dogs move. then on the 4th ill be heading up to sacramento. Yay for me smile
yeah so wtf? you have to tell me what happened at work
So as of recently i have been in upper spirits which is a new feeling for me. Havent had a bad day in quite some time. Friday was good times had by all. I had the honor of taking Joyce to her first time at P.F. Changs after finishing that up we met up with some friends of mine and then cruised to a pool...
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Thanks for commenting on my set! kiss
your sketches make my sketches feel insignificant.
i like it though.
So i went on a day trip today with a fellow painter of mine everything was going ok until we stop for lunch at ihop and we pay and leave and like 30 miles away he realizes he left his fucking digital camera at ihop. so we get to drive back and pick that up. then here comes the best part. after 300 miles of...
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Last night was a great night indeed. it started out with meeting up with Rivets and then taking her friend to the train station and following that we went for Persian Food which i had never had before. the food was good the drink was bad it was called "Doogh" it was gross. Apparently I kept Rivets out past her bed time smile j/k. so after...
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Yeah so its sunday and my plans were open but i had plans that could of happened if people would of called me back like they said they would. i dont know what it is with people that i associate myself with ever follow through. i mean common im like honestly the most on the ball responsible person i know. i call people when i...
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i would just like to say that customers who cant take jokes and then go to the manager and rat you out because they thought you were rude when infact you were trying to be friendly should be put in antartica or something. how is the work place supposed to be fun when you cant crack a joke without having to worry about what some...
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I am be young but so are you, older by three years get over yourself (and here is your simple solution to those people, shoot them and your problem will go away biggrin )
violence is always the answer... at least it is in the marine corps.... but no i don't make videos for myself they are for my clients, i have many of them. I do ceremonies... it's fun. I have at least 4 projects a month so i stay busy...
i tried updating my profile and it fucked me! i typed a bunch of shit in there and hit save profile and poof! their it goes bye bye FUCKING A!
sorry it took so long but i just posted the side view you asked for. i really am that lazy.
its running on retro tires and drum breaks even at 1641cc it is a bit of a death trap I got to get it handling right before I mess with the power. And mostly being poor at the mo, she deserves better.