some are born to sweet delight, some are born to endless night. some are born to want to change the world. it is only when this self-destructive drive is overcome that they can lead a normal life.
why do governments behave like children? the US shoots down a failed china satelite and says its for health reasons - the toxic fuel on board could harm people. they dont give a fuck about harming people. they want to say to china "we can shoot down satelites too!" why not just say that?? I think the world would be a better place if everyone...
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HIya Mr, I agree with your journal. Hope you are ok.... kiss
SGAU National hookup..... please read it!
I need to hibernate for a while. Maybe a few days, maybe a week, maybe many weeks. I don't know these things in advance.
I have broken a pure heart. She was terrified of spiders. Every time we saw one, she would make me take it outside because i refused to kill them. Tonight they have returned. They were very considerate to stay away. But how did they know?
There are things in life that make living worthwhile, and there are things in life that suck ass. Need we...
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There are events in the life who shall remain inexplicable... they are the mysteries of the life
skull robot skull robot skull robot
back at work after a month off. too many late nights and empty vodka bottles than i planned but the fun is over now - back to functioning in the world. The world doesn't stop. Occasionally it might slow down a little so you can catch up but ultimately its up to you. I'm starting to learn that the race is won by running slowly.
Wise words. kiss
well, i'm on holidays for a month. from nursing, anyway. will still be working at the bookshop and now on thursdays as well as friday. depression still lingers. i dont think i can stop it. its seems i go like this at this time of year. i think i'll just have to watch it come and try to make the most of it. at least...
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Where've you been lately?
When i get depressed, it feels like the end of happiness - not just the absence of happiness. I think this is one reason it feels so awful. So when i feel depressed, if i think of it as merely the absence of happiness for a finite period of time, it might be easier to cope with.
On another note, i have been questioning some...
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It was words of wisdom. Even the most carefully calculatable of sciences there's one thing that's always constant. Everything we know is wrong. Every single law of physics has been proven to be wrong except for the current ones (but those will be proven wrong in just a few years). That's one thing that has to suck about being a physicist. Every theory you produce you already know that it's wrong. All of Albert Einstein theories have been proven to be inaccurate as will all theories that replaced his. And that holds true with everything we know as humans. biggrin
Sydney SGAU end of year dinner and drinks biggrin