Everything is cool as hell. My birthday is in 10 days, every friend I lost in March I got back plus one that I lost in September. I'm hurting a lot less and everything is looking up. *Knock on Wood*
Oh yeah, one thing is getting to me, How did I get so old all of a sudden? Some girl was asking me if I...
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Lovely! They look so good!
Muchas gracias por el dibujo!!! I love it love
Well today I still feel like shit. My foot, wrist and finger are swollen, I have a black eye, my nose is broken, my ribs are bruised, my neck is fucked up and I have bruises all down my arm. I thought I was good until I got put up against a champion sparer who was "going easy on me". I started to do my...
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Of course that I don't mind having you on my friend's list, even more, I'm glad of it. I just put the auto-decline option because I receive a lot of request a week from guys who even haven't left me a comment on my journal whatever Ahh, I can't wait to see the drawing! smile
Yay you understood perfectly my spanish "dedication" to the psycho but I called him motherf*****, not puto tongue

1. Doesn't Sunny Delight taste horrible? No, at least in Spain it doesn't... I say this because english and spanish kit kats have different tastes confused
2. What's the best song by a one-hit wonder? What?
3. I found out that I could possibly move to London, do you think that's a good idea? Yeees, I want to move there too! We could be flatmates, haha
4. What is your favorite Season? Winter!
5. What is your favorite Food? Pizza
6. What is the best album of 2003? I don't remember...
7. What was the best movie of 2003? Don't have one.
8. Is it better to drunkenly have sex with an attractive friend or an ugly stranger? Friend. I've tasted both and it's better with a friend (btw I was drunk but I think the stranger was attractive too!)
9. Why is there a pirate, gimp and robot face but no laughing face? I've always asked that to myself.
10. How can we get Bush out of office without electing Kerry? We could send you Aznar biggrin

1. Doesn't Sunny Delight taste horrible? No! I think some of the blends taste pretty good!
2. What's the best song by a one-hit wonder? I'll get back to you on that... tongue
3. I found out that I could possibly move to London, do you think that's a good idea? London? Sure! Why not!
4. What is your favorite Season? Autumn
5. What is your favorite Food? spicy stuff
6. What is the best album of 2003? I hate questions like this!
7. What was the best movie of 2003? I really, really do!
8. Is it better to drunkenly have sex with an attractive friend or an ugly stranger? The attractive friend, I suppose.
9. Why is there a pirate, gimp and robot face but no laughing face? I dunno, but I'm diggin' the monkey face! ooo aaa
10. How can we get Bush out of office without electing Kerry? I'm not sure. Kerry's not TOO entirely bad. At least he's not Bush... and I honestly think almost anyone has to be better than Bush...
I am in SOOOOOOO much pain right now. I got punched in the eye twice, kicked in the nose three times, got hit in the lip, hurt my heel, hurt the top of my foot, and I fucked up my finger some how. I was too tried to spar well and I paid the price. I was going to do my set tomorrow but I'm...
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you and me both buddy. Check out my journal. I got rushed to the ER by ambulance last night. Feel better okay. blackeyed blackeyed
I thought you were talking about the band O-town for a minute.... haha I was like Shit I never knew!! Haha hope ya feel better sweets, I'm looking forward to the set.
Well I just bought a bad ass 8mp digital camera, I want to go around Kansas City and take pictures of all the crazy stuff that I originally meant to. I really don't have any news, I gained one of the friends I lost this month back, I suppose I never lost her, I was just too tired to talk to her and I dislike...
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I'm good! how are you?

1. Do you smoke? nope
2. Do you have a significant other? in my head, yes.
3. Do you think youre better than me, huh?! I KNOW it. grrrr
4. How many people do you hate? most of them
5. How many people do you truly love less than 5
6. What is your favorite movie to be released before 1978
7. What is the best album of the 90's
8. Should I move to Vancouver, Chicago or Seattle? seattle
9. Hey good lookin', whatcha got cookin'? I don't cook
10. I'm planning on getting a Brand that says "Suck" right about my dick; do you think that's a good idea? whatever floats your boat. but I don't want to see it. ever.

tongue ARRR!!!
1. Do you smoke? Nope.
2. Do you have a significant other? Not at this very moment...
3. Do you think youre better than me, huh?! Nah.
4. How many people do you hate? A few.
5. How many people do you truly love? That depends on the definition of "love" that you're using...
6. What is your favorite movie to be released before 1978? I'll get back to you on that.
7. What is the best album of the 90's? I'll get back to you on that, too.
8. Should I move to Vancouver, Chicago or Seattle? Same as the above answer.
9. Hey good lookin', whatcha got cookin'? Pasta alfredo.
10. I'm planning on getting a Brand that says "Suck" right about my dick; do you think that's a good idea? Sure, if you really have a strong desire to do it...
Well I just wanted to say that everyone's response to the "ideal life" question was so humble and modest it made me sick. Here is my ideal life:
I would make a 6 figure salary right out or school, I would marry "the one" and have great kids. I would then buy my own studio and become the first independent musician to win a Grammy....
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You are among 4, 5 other people who chose Rob Gordon from High Fidelity. Is this a hip crowd or what? biggrin
hmm. I'd say 3 or 4. that it. no one else would die for me so..why would I even concider it for them ya know?

what are your bithday plans ?! biggrin
Well Kansas lost, which means I'm out of some money, so that sucks. Everything else is cool though. I'm pretty bored, I'm back in KC but no one else is, but whatever.
I've been drinking since yesterday morning and I still have yet to get drunk. How does one lose his or her ability to become intoxicated?
Oh well, I came across some money so...
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Haha, Noooooo I think Armegeddon is one of the worst examples of Hollywood shite. biggrin How the hell it ended up in the Criterion Collection is beyond me!
Why thank you. Let me know if you find it.

My ideal life would consist of me living in a decent-sized house (or even a large apartment) with a few close friends, probably somewhere close to an ocean, and probably somewhere overseas. We'd all be making enough money from book, art, music, or movie deals to live comfortably. Oh, and of course I'd have a small and moderately obsessed following of fans. smile
Well, I just got 14 hours of sleep. It was great. My parents took me out to get sushi last night for my birthday which was also great. In fact, everything is pretty great right now. In fact, I can only think of one thing right now that saddens me, but I'm probably just over reacting to it.
I just got 9 hours of sleep after about 40 hours without it. Heavenly.

Happy happy happy birthday! It's too bad they took you out for sushi-- sushi places don't usually do anything embarrassing to birthday kids. biggrin You should have come to Nami and let me serve ya. tongue
I came up with a good set to do; it's going to be much better than my lame first try. I think it's going to be really funny. I can't give anything away but I will say dwarfs, telekinesis and microwaves.
I think my new song is starting to take shape; I just have to build up the nerve to piss off my neighbors so...
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I'm glad you like my set biggrin
Living with a pub under your house isn't cool, even more if they play shitty music and the owners are crap mad Anyways I'm leaving my parents house soon so... whatever
I don't know why I dislike kids... I prefer pets hahaha
new set?! yeah!!

worst sexual expierence....any time I've had to ask "did you cum yet?" just so it could be over. shit.
Well, i'm on spring break,, and I have nothing to do; it's fucking great. I think i'm going to try and start recording again and maybe try for this unsigned band thing, but I don't know if I'll be able to do it with my equipment, but i shall try, I already have a new song in the works.
I have nothing really to say,...
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Thanks for the comment in my journal. All you have to do is look at some of the ridiculous clown outfits the producers (or probably sponsors) of Queer Eye dress those guys up in (or go to a gay club and hear hours of the most banal and boring music ever) to realize that all gay men do NOT have good taste. But I think I do, and I stand by my comments on your set.

And, I did almost die once. Someone slipped something into a drink of mine at a party. Apparently my heart stopped, and I dropped to the ground with no vital signs. I woke up with the fire dept. about to take me to the hospital, everyone else surprised that I was actually alive, and with no memory of hitting the floor like a stone. It was a little scary, and I've never attended another party thrown by this person.

Edited to repare a cupple of tie-po's. I like to appear sophisticated.

[Edited on Mar 26, 2004 1:10AM]
Heheh, I'm laughing at you falling in love with your own musical tastes. biggrin
Hey I'm back, I regained sanity; I couldn't leave all you beautiful people. I could, however, leave the ugly ones, but since you are all beautiful people I shall stay, because I'm shallow.
I tried typing a journal on MySpace.com but it was fucking lame compared to SG. So I'm back to save the universe with a snappy new alias.
Well I'm really tired so...
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Well, welcome back to the land of the crazies...pull up a chair and relax. wink
aaah, the horoscopes were just for fun, sorry abt your lame ass teddy bear comment, lol. I put them up every sunday so if you wanna come back , you might get a better horoscope next time wink