My Celtic Horoscope says, I am a Fig tree...fascinating.

You are very independent and strong minded.

A hard worker when you want to be, you play hard too.

You are honest and loyal. You hate contradiction or arguments.

You love life, and you live for your friends, children, and animals.

A great sense of humor, artistic talent, and intelligence are all gifts you possess.
Happy Birthday Beautiful!
Happy birthday!
Fake it, 'til you make it.

i tried this approach to recovery and it failed miserably. so much for the patriarchal, fear based, mindless mediocrity of AA. there's gotta be a better way. i want to rise above, higher than the sun, and understand the darkest places, the farthest reaches of my subconcious roots.
Yeah, yeah, live, spelled backwards is evil, and so what if i jus cant tell which direction Im goin sometimes? My imperfections are perfection in motion.
ive been a soldier for bout 7 yrs now, and a a lab tech. Ive been stationed 6 different places, but fortunately never in the shiznastiest of them all; just a couple dog-n-pony shows: korea, germany, czechoslovakia, etc...Despite all...
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War & Peace

Breaking down barriers between Arabs and Jews is vital to the survival of our world, as we know it. Anyone who does not understand this, is sadly out of touch. We've had, in fact 3 world wars, last century. The Korean War, a.k.a. "The Forgotten War," had 27 countries involved, by the time it was all over. And, since this new millenium...
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hey there sweetheart.
I just went pink.
so look for my set.
I'm still playin and practicing with the didgeridoo, sorry, my "didg." I've got the basic circular breathing technique down. But, I really think this didg is just too bassy for me, it's made for a bigger person to play, someone with bigger lips, bigger belly, lower pitch. It's just too deep and uses up to much oxygen too fast and as soon as I...
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i don' know man, maybe i just don' participate enough, maybe i'm just a fuggin retard, pluggin errr sumthin. but, there's somethin ill about this site, when it comes to connecting with ppl. wutever, nice pics an' all but, wtf...unless yer trippin or have some kinna synesthesia, pixels are tasteless, soundless, mindless reflections of a dream world. when it comes down to it, all the...
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K, I'm pondering a simple question, though one very puzzling; DID WE (HUMANS OR OUR RESPECTIVE "PROGENITORS") PERFECT OUR LANGUAGE TO TALK TO GOD, AS SO MANY INSIST, OR TO LIE TO ONE ANOTHER? i just can't get my head around this...It's an Everlasting God-stopper, inside a Tootsie Pop, inside Devils Food Cake...inside a giant Cadbury Egg...yeah, yeah, and...and a giant sea turtle carries it...
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Yeah, so, there's a major highway, here in Tacoma, that intersects the Interstate, HW 7. And, like many highways across the country, it's typically crawling along during rush hour. Today, however, it was forever, at a dead stop, while an entire HERD of elk made their way across the byway. Not one or two, or a family, but and enitre HERD! Guess they just said,...
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thanks for the compliment smile
hither and yon?
now, here, this
time heals nothing
the mind is mindless
love is empty
joy is lonely
and then one day,
hope was walking alone
along some angry freeway
and a bus rode bye, honked and
bitched and moaned that it had to slow
the fuck down
just to take a burly right turn, into the
hefty pedal convenient store
acorn shuckin truck...
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hey beauty.

thank you. i was leaving for work this morning, wondering why i didn't really feel like bringing my book with me. i am very near the end, and i could probably get some reading done at lunchtime. and work is so not-food for my brain. and i thrive on devouring the creative output of others.

and then i answered myself with suicidegirls. all day long at work, whenever a spare moment strikes, i log on and read what the others have to say. it's probably alot of reading if you add it all up. and it's certainly alot of creative output.

and mon sieur, yours is some of the tastiest food for thought.

Hey baby.
Hadn't heard from you in a while.
Thanks for the e-mail, albeit a short one.
Where did you lose your mind?
Maybe I can help you find it.
Yes, in 5 days, I'll be off to the land down under, Australia, for a much overdue, much needed vacation. I'll be gone for about 2 weeks, visiting Perth, on the western coast.

On the agenda: 5 round boxing match with a Big Red Kangaroo, Crocadile wrestling with Terri Irwin of Animal Planet (c'mOn let's GO! C'MON! C'MON LET'S GO! LET'S GO,C'MON!), trek through the...
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Safe travels. If something bites you, bite it back. I would think it would be easier to wrestle a crocodile than to wrestle a Terry Irwin.
I hope you bring a camera and lots of film!

Austrailia has a lot of poisionous inhabitants, may you not get biten by a one of them.

I would love a koala skull souvenir. I hear those bastards are wiry, in addition to being oversexed.

nice things and koala pelts,

this is a personal invitation to sg beatniks

we are a new group on the site seeking more members interested in kerouac and other good literature

zh skull
Lemonade Stand Dream

Twenty three twists around this coniferous melodramago, an angel descended upon me, in the form of Alex Trabec and said, "ANSWER: Fahrvignugen!" With whirling dervish eyes, I replied, : What is...My Hohm Planet!"

All I recall, from then on, are palpating hormoans and grones eclipsed by serious pulsing, electro-buzz-wobble-weeble-bleep-zipperz. As the din of the Daily Double faded, a halleluja chorus bellowed. A...
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"slowly swizzle stick slurped"~ good stuff. I like the alliteration. thank you for the flowers baby. smile I've been busy making lemonade.
that's quite the journal entry!

thank you much for the fireworks. they're gorgeous!
