thanks to everyone who commented for your words of wisdom, and thanks to venice for sending so many wonderful poeple my way. isn't she great? i had an amazing night last night with my friend, and i'm always on this high for days after staying up all night talking with him. i'm so excited for thursday, going up to seattle with venice for a show...
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amen to that sister wink
Hey get out have a great night and enjoy life.....
everyone i know is so negative. i mean, i know it can be down right exhausting to look for the positive all of the time and sometimes it just feels good to be depressed, but i just refuse to let things get me down all of the time. and i think some people think i'm crazy or they just don't believe me but life is...
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Sometimes it really is easier to say "fuck it, I don't care about things" but really, deep down, I think that things are going to work out and I find myself defaulting to optimism and looking forward to things. I know that I can drag people down with little-crappy-things that happen to me on a daily basis, but eh, whatever.

Good to have you back.
Don't settle for anything because it is comfortable. You obviously know in your heart this guy is not right for you and no matter how compassionate you are, YOU still have a life to live and a path to follow. You have lots to explore and good people to support you.

Follow your heart not your head or stomach, do what feels right, not what is easiest. You are positive and probably know this already.

You ex. has to be comfortable with himself so being "lonely" may be good for him, time to learn and grow.

Keep smiling and keep those pretty eyes bright.

so much has changed.
Oh, good, I was going to mention you ought to update your profile, but you already did.

Anyway, welcome back sweetie! kiss

(Now that you have a functional computer and time on your hands you can actually explore!)
that was the fanciest dinner I ever had.
Haven't heard from you in a while. You still alive and browsing the site?

Hotpockets said you were turning 21 later this month. Congrats. Hope you two celebrate in style.
It's almost my birthday and I'm starting to get really excited. It's going to be a very fancy affair...
that makes for two of us
Where did I go where? Do you mean why haven't I updated? That's because I'd have to respond to all my comments first and I lack the time and energy for that. If you mean in some other way... um, you saw me yesterday...
Haven't been here in a while. Busy, busy, busy, work, work, work. Been getting to see my friends since everyone has a little more free time now that school is ending. I've rekindled an old friendship that I never thought would exist again, it's been interesting. Not like I thought it would be if I ever thought it would have ever happened. It's been an...
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You haven't called me on it. Maybe once, and I think that was the day my battery died... maybe. I'm sorry.
No prob. I understand. When I first joined SG, I was here every day. Now, sometimes I don't update for a week or more.
Very frustrating weekend. Lots of money issues, as in I don't have any, but today has made things a bit better. I called the mean parking ticket people who sent me a scary notice threatening garnishing my wages over a 300 dollar ticket total, but I'd already set up a payment plan so I thought I was good. Turns out they messed it up because...
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Things are better now. Don't worry about the mean parking people. Besides the raise kind of balances out the money woes.

I'll be home in Mid-June, around the 20th, or so.

I would help you with your picture, but I don't have any of you. I could take a picture of a picture, and then crop it to the right size, and then email it to you...

Things are better now. Indeed. Things will be even better in a few days. When I see you next, I will read your book, and I will give you feedback, as scary as that is.
had fun night last night, drinking sangria and wine and playing lord of the rings monopoly with good friends. for some reason the morning after nights i drink heavily are always pleasant for me, i wake up extremely early and well rested. been on the computer for much longer than i usually believe is reasonable, checking out some girls and trying hard to pick my...
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Hows working on 23rd?
Sianna, what's up?
hi. i don't really know what to start with. my friend venice, a regular with this site, has bought me this gift membership and today i started it up. i have the day off today so i'm not doing much, drinking coffee and writing is mostly what i do at home. hmmm...will have to think of more fun and clever things to say about my...
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OMG OMG OMG! You're here! Welcome.
If you're free next Friday or Saturday or even Thursday afternoon for a little while, I would love it if you brought me a latte and even just hung out while I pack! It would be way fun! Hehe, maybe we should buy Melissa an account. I bet she would love it here, you know how she loves meeting people on the internet, and then we could actually keep track of her wink