Oh, nothing. -sigh-

The hot thing is that she's funny, but the funny thing is, she's hot.
heh.. yesh.. chop off all the hair + put it in a sack.. i was highly tempted.. but then some people would think that very strange.. and then there's the whole business of voodoo dolls on whatnot.. lol.. biggrin

nice to meet you kiss
who?? i want to know.....did you meet someone??
I had a good long talk with my friend/roomate last night. We're both 28 now, and it's starting to hit us that it is possible we may never find the right girls for us.

Now I've always clung to the idea that I'd rather not get married at all, than wind up in a relationship with someone who isn't right for me. While that ideal...
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OH MY GOD. I'm 22, and I feel this same way as you. If I get to 28 and am still in this lonely and alone position, I'm taking my cats and buying out every liquor store in whatever city I inhabit before checking myself into a covenant. Good lord, the thought scares me... we think we're all though and fucking resilient and independent, but we're just not, are we. I turned 22 and was like "motherfuck, I'm a cougar!" and had my heartbroken twice in the same year (once for real, once on a rebound relationship, and both of them SUCKED because both had fantastic potential). So here's a word of advice for you- don't get involved with men, ever... hahaha. But ya. I'm liking this site more and more everyday because people just aren't as fucking gay and stupid in the rest of the world as they are where I live.
Add me to MSN if you have it... whiteginja@hotmail.com. Peace.

Hey I totally no what you mean....almost all of my friends are paired off also..it is lonely yet almost peaceful, but sad.
Hi btw miao!!
Argh! So crazy busy lately. I've only had one evening to myself since christmas. I'll post stuff in a bit. I promise. Sorry to be neglecting everyone (all 2 people that consistantly reply to my ramblings.)

Thanks for paying attention. It means something.
No - CFB borden. I gotta friend in Suffield and it sounds just as great as Moose Jaw.

Hey Medicine Hat is the big tee pee place right? I drive trough there from Red Deer to come back home here. wink

Kisses kiss kiss
Levelheaded.... *laughs hysterically* alright, we'll go with that.
I added some randomly cool-seemingly people, and you got into that group, so let's just go with that.
I also recommend that you stay away from, and maybe just never ever mention horses, ever again. DEAL.
I'm going to bed. More at another, more awake, time.
Wheeee! Went snowboarding yesterday, and just built a few jumps and had some good clean fun. I'm a little rusty as this is my first time riding this year. Fun anyways. Some documentation is located in my pics.

Watched a very cool movie in the evening. It was called "Love Me if You Dare" It's original french name is translated "Childsplay" which I think is...
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ok i am so happy so see more pics of the sweet shovelface... love love .....talk to ya soon bud!
I see you are from the Red Neck Capital of Canada. I didn't see you in my home town *giggles*

I like the profile pic wink

Kisses kiss kiss
I actually won at monopoly tonight. Unbelievable. I never win. Perhaps I have become monitarily saavy. I should invest.

I shall be going snowboarding tomorrow (with my good friend with whom I grew up riding with, and have not ridden with in years.) I are happy.

-(As a side note, I cannot believe how many times I used the word "with" in that one sentence....
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It's a tragedy for mankind and a victory for nature. To every action is an opposite and equal reaction. Sorry for being so cynical.
I am so very done working for the rest of the year. So very, very finished. Come and lounge with me.

Happy McMerry Christmas Eve-erson!
Thanky you so much Shovelface..i hope your christmas is awsome.

Have a good holiday..and ill talk to ya soon.

I guess Fed ex has a hard time shipping that order..oh well next time biggrin
Oh Shovelface, that was the funnest, yet sweetest thing that i have see for a long long while.
You made my boxing day!!

Nice outfit, though..really hot. hmm but that goes too ways.

So, how is everyone? Good... good. Don't really know what to say right now. Feeling kind of mellanchollie. Not really sad, not really happy, just kind of in limbo. It's like I'm waiting for something big to happen, and, whether it's good or bad, I will be relieved just to have a change. So if anyone wants to come over and either, give me a...
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Oh gosh..that would be hilarious. It actually went on for a day. I've heard the tale of they talked and seen it quasi acted out. It was...interesting, to say the least.

Worst part is, I made the mistake of mentioning the name Peter Molonyolnxex to some uber game nerd in an attempt to impress him with my game savvy. Of course, this got him started and he rambled on and on and on and on and on, until I finally had to admit the only game I was ever very good at was Yoshi's Story on N64.

very embarassing...lol
mmm Ham salad cake...ummm i think i am confused about you offerning..but hey am i so lonely..ill take it.

Does it come with a side of Shovelface??

Listen to us all...maybe its just the time of year or something

Well i got an idea..a lonely cult..it is easier to get member that way. Me and you taking over the world...cause there seems to be alot of loney people.

Muhaahaha....evil plans of domination....Muhahaha....

Ok i gotta get a day job

Later Dude....Have a good Holiday...k kiss
We got snow tonight. Big fluffy flakes of it and it makes me mighty happy. We also played boggle. Very proud of myself for getting the words "Leapt, Leper, and Leaper." Well, kind of proud anyhow. I didn't get Quagmire, so I'm not the king
i love the big fluffy flakes...under the street lamps. Turns me giddly..and like a kid. Spinning in circles...with my tounge out(well not really anymore..i get alittle bit freaked)

And it was not me the other night you saw running around on circles in the street...and if it was i would have been looking for you to join me. biggrin wink
haha i was never very good at boggle. It's snowing here too, and about bloody time.

Yes, I am very glad that I didn't see Torque; that movie scared the bejesus outta me

and yes, that picture is from my first upoming set entitled Cockpit. It's in a..um...DC4?

yea, that sounds about right.
So, today at work, I was listening to CKUA (Which, for all the non-albertans out there is a listener supported radio station that plays some cool music.) and all of a sudden it goes dead. Strange, but this type of thing has happened before, so I figure it'll just come back.

After about a minute or so, this alarm sounds over the radio. I figured,...
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I go through the same thing all the time.
My deep fasination with weather and the hopes of one day experincing just what it was like to live through a tornato or hurricane, or even just a really big snow storm.

The snowstorms here just dont meet my expectations.

I have had so many dreams about earthquakes though...but i think that i should re-think the going out and finding the disaters. There has got to be something alittle more tame and alittle less death defiying...

Ok, so I have a dillemma.

I like this site. I came here by accident when I was searching out Jhonen Vasquez interviews (and I found a really good one.) I read the interview, and decided to check out the site. I like naked girls, and I like mysterious goth girls, and I like tattoos, and I can afford the membership. So here I am....
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Hey man!

Prerogative - there is an "R" after the "P".

I can't say I understand but I will anyway. hehe. I used to have really strong christian beliefs. I read the bible when I was thirteen, from the book of Genesis to Revelations, lucky me. biggrin I prayed on my knees 'till I was 16 or 17. I faced off the high school genius in a debate on the existance of god and whatever. I was a firm believer. I did however change and I am not a believer anymore. Most organized religions have earned my respect however and I think I can therefore say that I understand your morals because I haven't forgotten what I learnt as a teenager.

I also used to think that I should be able to find everything I needed from that sole special person I'd spend the rest of my life with. It slowly came to me that it was fairly impossible. What my guy friends can offer me, my girlfriend won't ever. The same with the guys from the bar, the inspiration I get from some artists or directors. Personally, I figure my girlfriend will offer me what I need most from a partner and that is trust, support and intimate comfort. It's only normal to let your imagination wander. Other hot chicks are just like flowers, it's ok to look and wonder and to remind yourself that the grass always appears greener on the other side. A relationship isn't something that happens. What keeps you together is that you provide her with what is essential to her and she provides you with what is essential to you. She can't provide you with everything and you can't provide her with everything. But there are things that you prioritize and it's different from one person to the next.

Anywas what a fucking rambling. delete it if you don't understand shit from it. I'm just saying that if these ideas of sex and nudity provide something she can't provide and it offends her that you need these things then maybe she's not worht it.