i've cancelled my membership. i guess looking at naked girls really wore off after a few months. my heart belongs to bme, so if you're a member you can message me there. i think this thing will expire in three months or so.
i'm sorry i don't update. i visit this page every single day, but i'm always too lazy to write anything. but since it's sunday and i really have no excuse not to, i'll tell you all what's been going on.

i've been working like a mofo. literally 9-10 hour days, with no breaks. i'm starting to feel like i've become a really boring person. but...
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your profile pic is enchanting
Christmas is over, so....Merry Newyear !
And hopefully you do join team Calgary..i hear Acad is pretty good.
the past few days it feels like everything i do and say just digs me into a hole. are people just becoming ultra-sensitive, or am i becoming a lame asshole?

i feel so stupid.
being an asshole is fun! fuck em! and your not stupid! i think your a rad person! smile
old english beer... comes in a 40... go pick some up smile I'm going to see the incredibles tonight with my family, then i may have to have one of them smile hows things?
it hit me like a brick wall this afternoon. i can say it was a moment of pure bliss if i've ever experienced one.

i don't care about him anymore. i don't care what he does, or who he fucks. i'm not even bothered by it anymore. i've come to terms with the fact that he's a complete asshole. that's the way he wants to...
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thats great! at least he lives in edmonton right? no more travelling and all that... ugg... i know how that is.

i'm doing ok, got a new job at a different internet company about 4 months ago, its pretty awesome.
GOOD! forget that other bastard. he must have not realized how hot you were, fucker! i say go for the new hottie! he'll treat you better!
i started to think about how the puke green tiles matched your eyes. but it made me too upset. i can't go back there. i can't go back there.
the tattoo didn't happen on tuesday like it was supposed to. the artist came down with mono. i'm going to have to tease him about kissing dirty girls.

so regardless, i cannot scare my extended family with my new full rib panel. it's been re-booked on the 18th. so i have a little while to wait now. i'm anxious. i hate waiting, and i've been...
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yeah waiting for tats is not fun, anticipation is a bitch.
A graphic Designer from Edmonton, just what I'm looking for. I'm moving out there in a month and I too am a graphic designer. So my question is: Is there a lot of work out there?
i'd really like to believe that all this heartbreak is really just a pre-requisite to the love that will find it's way to me.

for now, i just sit and wonder what he's doing and where he is. how will we meet? what will our first kiss be like? will he call me in the middle of the night to tell me he loves me?...
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i'm not quite sure what it was...the way i was above the clouds. or perhaps the way the sun seemed to be sliced in half by the horizon. it could've even been that i was that much closer to the stars. it made me feel infinite.

sitting in that window seat, i couldn't take my eyes away from the view. and the fact that i...
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gorgeous!!!! angels do exist!
i'm hardly on here anymore. should i really continue my membership? i guess i'm not so keen on looking at naked girls anymore because what i want is a hot naked boy in real life.

i need to get la-la-la-laid.
That shouldn't be a problem for you considering you're beautiful. I like the new pic here and the one on myspace.
Totally hot......

.....and please keep the account, you're a lot of fun!

hey stick around, eh?
i found a viewing area in the airport that seemed to have escaped everyones memory over the years. the yellow speckled linoleum and ochre coloured leather bench didn't help to hide it's age. so i sat there and watched the planes come and go. i had no reason to be there at all. i just hoped i would find a feeling that i'd lost there...
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i've missed talking.......more to come.....i promise
