Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture...Do not build up obstacles in your imagination.

Norman Vincent Peale (1898 - 1993)

Stay loose, I love you all wink
Bring it on hooooooooome, daddy.

I ordered a futurephone today. Hopefully I'll be beaming images from Wizard World directly to the internet in a few weeks. I'm way more excited about this than I should be allowed to be.
Well I'm still here for some reason, but you shouldcheck out:


My own country! Here's the write up

The Allied States of Promethian is a tiny, socially progressive nation, remarkable for its compulsory military service. Its compassionate, hard-working, intelligent population of 5 million have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point,...
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noit bad at all.
i want to move to my own island. and proclaim it jackieland.
HI! kiss
Well I gone and hacked my ass off...in othe rowrds, I'm gonnabe off SG soon. Soon I iwll be that gray name in you pile of names. I jsut don't have the cahs for this flux anymore, and I will miss Nala, Chloe, and all dem chicks, but, it's for ART DMAN IT! ALL MUST BE SACRIFICED TO THE DRAFTING TABLE GOD!
So oh well....
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Ahh fuck man! How much "suck ass" is that? Sad to see you go.

On the other hand...One must make sacrifices for one's art. Art is the fuel for the mind and soul. Stop gassing it up, and it just runs down.

Rock on, Shazbot. Later
Dude! Well, this means I can't get by on just swinging by your member's page anymore. I'll definitely be checking out your site. We'll have to keep in touch, yo. Comic nerds unite!
Lsitening to David Bowie's "Slip Away" and I jsut sat there, looking over th studio. I had all this work piled form the move. 13 years of art. Sculptures, Paintings, Sketches, Drawings, 42 sketchbooks, and a buckets of Pastels, Paint, Acrylics, Brushes, watercolors, and odd doo dads, and contraptions to make art. After wrapping three huge portfolios with cellopohane for storage, I thought; "Fuck, what...
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Gaiman was good. He read the Wolves in the Walls---oh, and if you didn't know they're putting out Neverwhere on DVD (I think in Aug.) with audio commentary from Neil and such. Don't buy the bootleg!
thanks for the dark horse link didnt know now i knoow
yeah i look at all the shit i have in my little in my apt. too
and think the same thing sometimes..
sorry i dont know about quicktime movies
Ah work,work,work, work!
You cna find happiness in the work you do.
Of course you won't get laid, but hey, happiness.
Happy.you bastard.
But at least I'm progressing
Ah yes, happiness at work. Too true. It does happen!

Got back to work after my week and a half in Boston, and although I know that job sucks, and I'll eventually remember why I hate it so much...the first three days back I actualy enjoyed myself. Post vacation buzz I suppose.

It was nice. I usually go in there bitter and hateful. It was nice not hating it for a while. I figure this'll last about a week and a half, or two weeks before I go back to normal.

BTW: sweet strip in the Wrestling Jam. I dug it a lot. smile
hey like the updates at your site
gotta get something together for epic too
good luck with yours their sweet!
Finished the Paradox Pages and my sites up! WHOO!
I'm so fukcing productive.
Right now working on some Stop motion work, mostly making sure everything from camera to somputer is working fine and dandy and such. Stop Motion 4 is a great program for this, then to momve onto the construction of the Armatures.
This'll tak a while.

http://www.juannavarro.org is open!

Ah now all...
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My computer is mmmtarded so it's taking awhile to load, but I'm checking out Dallas Powers. Dude, the second page, poor dead Silas--that shot of him in the last panel is awesome. That's the deadest moustache I've ever seen.

The other: your fave film box is next to where I'm writing this and it reminds me that City of Lost Children is on its way to my house from Netflix as we speak. And seriously, find a way to see the Two Towers as soon as possible. And the Pianist, if you haven't caught it already.

The Matrix can eat my fuck.
Oh! And doesn't Jen Contino report for the Pulse?
Ah memorial day.and it's raining and sunny at the same time. It's like freaking sauna outside!

This is what I get for living in the sunshine state.

This weekend I just worked, the phone rang and I just looked at it, I didn't answer a lot. I just can't help feeling like I'm wasting time when I'm outside the studio. It feels like I'm dicking...
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There must be something about NY that calls to favorite girls.
I'm surrounded by hot chicks all day. And all tha it imagine to say most of the time is "uh..yeah"

Most of them are idiots

So I'm owkring like mad on the next thing, soon it will all come to bear, but till then, see it's progress at:


I had a dream that I was making love to four women and they were all...
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I'm sure there are many who have fantasized about setting the gap ablaze.

I think every GD major is in their own private OCD hell.
i cant meet new people
its making me mad
im running away
What cna I say I'm not cool.
I'm jsut not.
I read comcs
I play D&D
I like watching CNN and LINK tv way too much
I scream at the TV when Bill O Reilly is on
I collect homies
I'd rather stay in my studio drawing than go out to a club
I'd rather sit around tlaking politics or art or music chilling somewhere...
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i always wanted to play D&D but no one would ever play with me frown
yeah well i mean if he was fucking my ass itd be allright but he wasnt grrrrrr
Yoko Kanno is amazing
Yoyoma is too
Celia Cruz lifts me
Johnny Hartman is too cool
Sparta is stomping
Mars Volta rocks the mutha fucking house
At the Drive in was best
Rollins is getting old
Metallica is blowing
Tigers of Pan Tang old school D&D music
Basil Polouris is 20th level
Foo Fighter are cool.....wierd huh?
Aphex Twin is for night watch
White Stripes...
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i scare you?? frown
my soundtrack is my 6 disc changer in my car with lots of burned CDs.

weeee. howdy stranger.
Ah what a week so far, but since Friday I've been feeling very in my groove.
Let me elaborate;
First I just did my last Art juries of my collegiate career, and it went well, so well I can only say one word:


After of putting my comic book work alongside my other painting and design work, it took center stage, so well in...
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Wow man, smile Things are sounding good! Glad to hear it all

About what you said about hangups, I totally understand. I have a few myself, and in the past (and in the future) I know I'll be saying "Well, I didn't need it, but I enjoy it, and I'm glad I have it..." But that's the past and future. For the present, I can't. the temptation is high, but I gotta save.

Oh, and there ain't NOTHIN wrong with opening up the boxes toys come in. I'm with you on that. I'm a big Anti-box kinda fan. smile the figures gotta breathe!

(I got these little Megaman figures, and they'd be boring as hell if they were left in teh box...I got em posed, running amist Ash and an Eva or two...The shelf is much cooler with that kind of dynamic. smile )
I've really liked Morrison's run on New X-Men. It's such a different creature from JLA, and I wish he had more freedom to play with the large cast of characters. It seems like Marvel is getting into the groove of rotating artists on the book, so hopefully that will let the stories flow better.

Twins are fascinating when they go right, and even more so when they go wrong. It's really strange . . . I found that story on Warren Ellis's site, which is www.diepunyhumans.com if you're interested. He posted one today about a woman in . . . South America, I think. She had been pregnant three years ago, but she never had the baby. She had to be operated on recently for severe abdominal pains and strange growths and such, and they discovered the dead and calcified fetus inside of her. There are pictures . . . you have to see the pictures. They're at

ah, a new echo set.what relief!

Been doing my thing, how about you all? Still doing yours?

been trying to at least...
need something new though...