to days the day... I have just turnd the big 20.
I love this day its been grate exept for the peopel that let me down..You know the peopel that are supos to call the ones that say that they care...the ones that don't call.

but the day has been nice and I gat some really nice gifts.

so tata for now.

The week has been pretty uneventful but that is juts how it is some times. I have been thinking that I should move back to the big city again maybe take a year of and work travel and think about what I want with life.
So now all I have to do is get a job and a apartment in the city and finish of...
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If we had a choices would we let are harts be broken by the one we love? Maybe we would just to know that what we had was real or maybe we would live on just pretending every thing was the way we wanted it to bee. Or maybe just maybe take the chance to love for real because maybe the only way we can...
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I know a boy, but you can't see him and I don't want you to. He thought me to dance. But you will never see him in all his beauties. The way he looks when I see him. He has been with me all the time to every thing and still nobody knows. That is my secret. And even to you know now that he...
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Studying levees no time for feelings, they only cast you agony. And all I ever feel is worthless. Because I don't understand and every body says that just part of the process. And I look at you and you seem so calm that I just hold on to you for as long as I can. Clutching to you hanging on fore my life.

And you...
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so with that tiny littel word i fall so hard and you don't even notis.
I don't know if you even see me? It really don't mather any more for I am her and you will bee rememberd by me.
so if I leav this party I know that they will know but will you?

maby I should just risk it and say somthing...I don't...
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take a risk and say something!!!


"Whatever female-based, emotion-driven dilemma you may be dealing with right now, you have my sympathy. But for the sake of time and sanity lets break this down into male-based, fact-driven logic."

tell me the move and the caracter with out Googeling and I wil bee imprest...

bye for now love

yesterday i whent to the opening of the cultur house. We whnat to see The Sounds and Planeten Jorden. And had a blast but i did realise that the frinds I have here don't ike to do the same things I do.
They don't like to go to gigs and they don't like hanging out drinking beer lisening to music they dont like the bar...
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move out of sweden? well Denmark is a brilliant choice then hehe.
good bear and stuff.
Nothing wrong with hanging out and just drinking beer smile
going to gigs is cool.


so I'm back from egypt it was fabulus adn fun.
it was so nice to get that much sun when I now have to go back home wher we the sun shins for 4 houers tops.

I have a nice tan and som new art for my apartment. and I loved having all that fun. so now I go back to my normal live and...
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being tanned in winter! damn i'm envious!
The sun and climate must've been wonderful in Egypt! It's so cold here in Northern California. Brrr!
Merry Christmas and have a happy new year. Hope you Have a great time smile