My #WCW has to be all of the suicidegirls, I love everything all of you do and how beautiful each and every one of you are. This site and all of you rock!!


Just picked up my tickets to see my boys the canadiens go against the sharks at the shark tank!! Expensive though since i got them right next to the visitors box second row. Going to be such a good game, can't wait!! I wish more people i knew liked hockey.


YES!!! Updated burlesque show has the girls swinging through San Francisco again. Guess I will have to get tickets again. YAYYYY!!!!!


god Bless America has to be hands down my new favorite movie. Right up there with Idiocracy. If you havent watched it then I suggest you pick it up as soon as possible.


I always feel that noone has the right to say im bored when they live in the bay area. Theres literally a million things to do. But whne its gym work gym home dinner, putting on something other than sweats just seems exhausting. I need a new hobby to get me motivated.


well I am back from 97 days of at sea fun. Took out some drug runners. Saved a sea turtle. Saw some new places. Everytime I return I miss the open ocean but seeing friends and drinking lots of Jameson helps. So now its time for more tattoos and many bar nights.


Soon another three months will be spent at sea. Its so hard to find girlfrinds that will wait for that long. Thats the price you pay I guess.