Afternoon all smile
So... Blog number 2 of the new attempted regularity, we'll see how this goes.

Work is going well, I'm out of the water for a while as I'm waiting for my stitches to come out, but it means I can get plenty of things done that always got sidelined. Besides, making and building stuff in the spare time gives you a good feeling...
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Evening all smile
How are we all today?
So... blog... What exactly are you supposed to write in one of these?
Umm... Right...
Slowly recovering from minor surgery, which means I can't dive for 6 weeks...
This kinda sucks but I suppose it's for the best. Will be strange to be going to work and not diving. At least it means that I'm unlikely to get...
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Hope the recovery goes smoothly.
Got another shark bite yesterday. More info to follow tonight, but I'm off to work soon so it'll have to wait.
It this rate, I'm gonna be a toothpick for a 14ft fish.
How is everyone in SG land?
I'm gonna try an do this more regularly, which I say every time I write here, but hey we'll see eh.
Evening all,
I thought I'd bore you all again with another shark-tastic episode from my life, but I'm knackered so that'll come another time.
Quickest of updates to say that I've joined the gym again, so I've gone back to my weightlifting and all manner of painfull goodness.
Also have more tattoos planned for the near future smile
Suicide Boys, watch this space!

So here I am again trying to keep this updated.

Not really much to say tho...

Although this week contained one of my weirdest firsts...

First shark bite :s

One of the 10 foot nurse sharks in my tank bit me on the forearm. Hurt like hell, but didn't need a hospital trip smile
Kind of like a foot long, tooth filled pinch.
I wouldn't recommend...
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omg! ouchhhh!
Hey all,
Righto, I'm gonna try and be a little better at keeping this up to date. Not that anyone reads it,but more for my own sanity.
New job is going well, now working as a shark feeder and stingray wrangler at a massive aquarium, teaching kids (and grown ups) all about sharks and the sea. It's a great deal of fun smile
Also nice to...
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Aw that job sounds so cool!! I actually got the job to do that but it wasn't easy to travel to every day frown
but folks would sit in the tank letting the kids touch the rays and starfish and crabs. looked awesome.

Where abouts were you doing it? It's a cool job smile get to look awesome in my all black wetsuit and dive gear. Mates reckon I look like a commando smile Love every minute of it.
Nothing quite like getting mobbed by 300kgs of hungry stingray to get you through an afternoon.
Happy Christmas everyone!!

Wow, I'm not on here nearly s much as I would like to be...

Oh well, how is everyone?
Wow... I am useless at updating this thing...
How is everyone? Hope all is good, and if it isn't I hope it will be soon.
Much love
What could possibly go wrong diving in caves...

People often ask why. Why could you possibly want to dive kilometers underground in a dark, water filled tube?
I suppose that there's no real way of explaining it. Its probably the same answer that most people give for the crazy things that we do, and love doing. There is something about caves, yes... some thing 'magical',...
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Long time cave-diver, sometime explorer and technical/rebreather instructor. If you ever want to visit Florida or Mexico let me know, I spend a lot of time in those areas.
I currently live in Mexico. Where abouts are you based?