Oh hey, it's 2012. Just about less than a year left, time to party, right?

Note: I don't really believe in 2012.

I'm working a show tonight with Provoke, Destroy, and I'm stoked. I haven't gotten to really see the guys since before the holidays.
I'm still on good ol' night shift. For now. I'm getting kind of pissed about this. (Understatement of the century.)...
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I hope 2012 brings you only good things! smile
Hope the show went well! And good luck with the move
So, I have a new addiction. Community. I could watch this show forever.

I hope everyone's doing well and everyone had a safe holiday! I'm doing fairly well myself. Mom's been out of town for the past few days so it's just been me, Hulu, and the dogs. Well, all of that plus some shenanigans with my friends. Oh, and cleaning. I've been doing a...
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SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Uhm, Hi. You're cute. blush

I love community! I have watched it since the very first episode and it never disappoints!
If you haven't already, check out the zombie halloween episode, and both of the paintball fight episodes!
Oh, and the clay-mation christmas episode!

People keep recommending Community, I still haven't sat down with it but I think I'll have to.

Good luck with the job hunt (never a fun thing, but hopefully worth it if you wind up somehwere better than you are now)

Happy new year bro smile
I'm not dead... I think.

It's been a while. Where do we start?
Well, Scotland's not happening. Let's just end that there.

Things with my band The Man/The Martyr (formerly Exile The Architect) are kind of rocky. Our last show was a bit of a trainwreck. We're fairly certain someone straight up stole our drummer's cymbals. That and we've grown very sick of our vocalist's...
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Going back to days sounds like a good move. Night work doesn't do anyone any good long term
That would be cool, sorry to hear about your band problems but it will happen till you find the right vocalist. keep on keepin on smile
So, last night I went to see For Today, Enter Shikari, Whitechapel, and The Devil Wears Prada. All of them are some of my favorite bands. I had a blast, got some cool merch, and got to meet and talk to some of the guys from Enter Shikari (a dream come true.)

I talked to Enter Shikari's merch guy for a bit about me becoming...
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I'm always looking for new music and I haven't heard of For Today and Enter Shikari. I'll be checking them out for sure.
It's been a little while. I hope everyone's doing good. I'm currently under the weather, but I guess I'll survive.

I'm in the middle of trying to make a decision that would drastically affect my life. Fuck it, I'll just tell you. My ex-girlfriend (really my best friend) was offered an internship in Scotland for 2012 and we were talking about it and I jokingly...
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Myself and just about everyone I know has been sick. Hope you feel better. I agree that it sounds like a once in a lifetime opportunity. I obviously don't know the dynamics relationship wise or in your life in general, but a chance to soak up Scotland is a chance opportunity indeed.
im gonna have to agree with Circa lol

take the risk if you feel it can be worth it, otherwise you'll be asking yourself "what if" everytime you look back at it
Okay, now that I've had some time to breathe.

I'm not going to quit my job...yet. I do really hate having to pick up the slack of some of the day shift employees, but I think I'm just going to ride it out until after the summer. It probably would look a lot better on my resume too.

I am still thinking about going to...
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I was so close to quit today, I have the same issue, picking up the shit from the day shift, enough! But we need to relax and fight back man! Don't let them putting you down, I don't know you but I'm sure we're better than this!

As for your friend's ep, I'm always looking for new sound, I'll be happy to check it out smile

We can do it!
Glad I could help wink
Short blog today, mostly because of exhaustion.
Just a couple things. I think I'm going to quit my job. I think I'm going to go to school in the fall. I think things need to change around here.
What will you study, do you think?
Wow...big life changes! There's no time like the present smile Good luck!
So I just won $5 from a lottery ticket I bought on a whim. Maybe I should take that as a good omen.

I tried to write a blog or two a few times since my last one, but they all felt kind of detached. Right now I'm feeling pretty good about things. Everything is going pretty well musically speaking, I'd say. I'm slowly but...
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I am a Black Fridayer.
It can be fun! You just have to go in knowing there will be crowds and setting your expectations as such.
But it people are normally pretty friendly.

Good Luck!
Thanks, we're doing well! We actually won $6 this last week in Power Ball, which we rarely ever do smile Definitely a good omen! Hope the good luck continues! Can't wait to see the new piercing...post pictures when it happens! Have a wonderful week!
Hello all. I promise I'm in a better mood than before...well, sort of. It was a pretty hard night at work and I got out 20 minutes past normal clock out time. But ah well.

There was a brief period where I thought my hours were about to be cut majorly, but everything is fine. I even got my schedule moved around a bit, so...
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Sarah is quite cool, that's for sure! I don't know her that personally either.. I met her when she booked my last band on Warped Tour. She helped us out big time, so i support the hell out of what ever she does!
Well thanks for letting us know hope everything with work is awesome with you.
It's been a sort of odd week. Last night I called out of work for the first time. I really feel bad about it, because I'm pretty sure they were short because of it. However, the reason I called out was what I call severe exhaustion. I'm not really sure what the name for it is, but I was worn out beyond belief. At the...
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sometimes you gotta push through
Hang in there and get some rest! I'm sure you'll be back at it in no time!