fucking people..

you're asked to give them the benefit of your knowledge, expertise, wisdom and experience.. and what do they do.. ignore the bits they don't like or think doesn't fit their already fucked up bubble..

seriously.. why the fuck i bother
just reframe what you're trying to tell them, in a way that makes sense to them, or that they want to hear. i read this psychology study, less people will change their teeth brushing habits if you tell them OMG YOU'RE GONNA GET GUM DISEASE AND DIE but they're much more likely if you tell them YOU COULD HAVE REALLY NICE HEALTHY TEETH IF YOU BRUSH ONCE OR TWICE A DAY ITS SO EASY. see what i mean? but maybe you already did that. the film was ok, i wasnt expecting anything incredible. you gonna watch it? x
Holy Crap!!

The tories have effectively stated they'll bin the FSA as a regulatory body and give the BOE more powers to regulate banks.. the weird thing is the tories are making sense here.. it's a bit odd.

Anything has to be better than the tripartite mess the One Eye Brown put in place in 1997.. that man clearly thinks that debt = wealth.. when...
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ugh I feel like shit..

I had my stag night last night.. great night but suffering for it now..

Wow.. talk about over reacting..

what am I talking about.. the death of Michael Jackson of course..

Great musician no doubt about it.. but a seriously dubious character.. I for one have my opinions about paying families off when they make abuse allegations.. I know what I'd do if I was innocent..

I guess I'm just not comfortable celebrating the life of someone I personally...
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OK.. what do you do with a delinquent cat??

Randal, the evil sod, fights everything.. cars, dogs.. he's even hunted and attack me.. he has absolutely no fear of anything..

What is his latest crime..?? climbing into the neighbours house and shitting in their sons bedroom.. I was mortified when she came to tell me..he;s retarded.. he has 3 litter trays for fucks sake.. one...
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Longest week ever..

If I was on one of those fake stick exchange websites, you know like CelebDac or whatever it's called.. my stock would just have risen 5 times over.. going from the 'excluded' contractor (by excluded i mean from new things coming up at work).. to being a coach for the entire department, and possibly business.. in the space of days..

all of...
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Nah, newport is such a hole frown
Saturday afternoon, I'm sat at my desk after having said goodbye to some friends that stayed last night.. little grossed out by the fact they'd been to the Oasis gig in Cardiff last night and then didn't want a shower this morning.. even though they had an en suite and I'd laid out fresh clean towels, and made sure there was shampoo/shower gel..I have stinky...
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Love you scrimmers. Pervert to pervert.xxxxxxxx
Aww Randal!

Thank you, btw kiss
Another week gone, got quite a bit done on my project this week, including restyling and performance tweaks.

it's really starting to come together, pretty soon i'll be needing logo's and marketing and all the promotional bumph..


also left 4 dead 2 announced for release in November
awwww thank you
Welcome to SG Cymru smile Come on down and introduce yourself! Cheers, CJ
Coding heaven!

Lately I've been working on some coding projects of my own, and the last couple of weeks have seen me work tirelessly into the evening to get them into some sort of shape, especially the look and feel as I'm not particularly artistic. However I now have it at a stage where I'm VERY happy with what I've done, the whole thing is...
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A millionaire questions..

So the dentist went ok.. no problems, but anything cosmetic is gonna cost.. so no worries..

Shall I tell you what I hate about the internet.. that it wasn't this good when I was 20.. where was this place then? I love the girls here, and i'd love to date them all..

also? what kind of photo shoots would girls want for...
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lol true story.

i just love how into arguments people get. i can just imagine them sat there waiting for a comment back so they can attack again lol
thank you ,you are really cute
have a nice day