one has to live life to the fullest or you will miss it.

tonight I was driving home from my friends house and sort of went off into a zone. just observing the things i have driven by a thousand times and tonight i saw things i hadn't ever seen. some of it beautiful and some of it ugly. and suddenly i thought "wow I...
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I agree with everything you said. Well It was nice having you on here for the short time you were on. wink
thank you very much! blush

woosh could a week go any slower. I keep thinking it is Friday and it is only thursday. OH well.

So I posted some pics the other day and pulled them down. I made a bit of a mistake. They were a special gift someone and don't think I should have shared them with everyone. Sometimes I do things with out totally thinking. But I...
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"have enjoyed'?

Don't Go Away!
yeah, don't go away!
you got lucky your basement didn't flood - what a mess! if you want to try to catch the SMUT! show some other time and want a partner in crime, er, viewing, let me know. i'm really busy right now but maybe . . . .

if you can't take the pics of me (which is perfectly fine - it was just an idea) do you know anyone that could or should i just post a thread on the SGKC group thing?

thanks for responding anyway - take care.
hi, nice ta' meet ya.
I just posted some pics that I took a while back.

I play around with photography and I took these of myself. I love playing with lighting. I took these with only candle light. I wanted to see if I could get a great composition with hand holding the camera. Pretty fun experiment. Plus I think I got some great shots. I did very little...
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the way you feel about your art is the way i feel about my writing - i've done some good shit and am now afraid everytime i sit down at a blank computer screen - i've had writer's block since nov. but wrote a kind of crappy poem the other day - i'll post it in my journal so you can read it if you want to . . .

you are so right though - you've got to produce whatever you can and worry about the quality, weed out the bnad fromt he good, later.

hopefully i'll see you at the opening friday and maybe we can chat some more wink
better day than yesterday.

I haven't had an emotional vent in a long time and lost it yesterday. Sometimes it is good to loose it.

Life has funny way of treating you.

Yeah venting is a natural part of being human, its a reminder that no one is perfect. wink
What a beautiful day in KC. Finally it has warmed up!

Got to work from home today--woohoo. I think I got something done on a website I am designing.

Went to lunch with a friend...which we don't get to do to often.

Last but not least golf season has begun...so I hit the links last night. Not too good of a round but fun. Made...
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What kind of website are you designing? I love to try and build websites. I say "try" because although I've done a few, none of them were extremely advanced or complex. I would probally need to get training somewhere or somehow.
First journal entry.
glad to be a member of SG. I am enjoying it.

I am still trying to figure it all out though.

One of these days I will fill out my profile and add a pick.


You are doing great. I joined SG in August of 2004. It was actually a gift subscription for my birthday from my Hubby Bear. Then he was my fiance.

Anyway, I believe it was Feb. before I took the time to figure it all out and fill out my profile. Once I did that, I started joining groups and writting in my journal, which I should do more often.. smile

Anyway, Welcome. I hope you like it here.. biggrin