My mum is starting chemo today. Chemo then radiation later in the day. I have school all day.

Just now waiting for the car, we share it among us 3, and then I'll head to college.

Baby just woke up. Has little creases on her face from the sheets. Her hair gets so curly when she sleeps. It's adorable.

Wow really busy day?! I hope your mom does well with her treatments and good luck at school
Thank you very much!
Feeling rather dizzy lately.

Happy because I've finished my next two homework assignments which gives me a couple days off for math homework. Now need to study my butt off for Biology, and need to come up with a biology experiment to do for class. I still have absolutely no idea what to do for it.

Exhausted. Should go to bed.
Easy homework. Time consuming but easy. But the time consuming bit is pretty horrible. I don't have the time to do all of my homework for both classes. Why does this class have so much homework? It's like at least 2 hours a night. Plus my other class is about 2 hours a night but I never have the time to do it so that...
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30 minutes at the gym, Baby cried off and on the whole time. Will try again tomorrow. The childcare people seemed annoyed that I wouldn't just leave her. They kept saying she was fine. I said I was going to ease her into it. It's my damn child ok! Anyhow. Other than that they really are great. Just difference of opinion on letting kids cry....
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It is hard to just leave them when theyre crying, but they forget fast and Im sure the childcare staff would have tried ways of distracting her. Sometimes seeing mommy every so often when theyre under someone else's care just reminds them and can make them more anxious. This just coming from my personal experience. My son started out like that and Id peek at him through the window every now and then but not go inside. Now he asks ME if we can go to gym, hes totally comfortable there.
Oh yeah I was looking through the window, making sure she didn't see me. I know she would totally freak out if she actually saw me. But thanks for the words of encouragement. I really hope at some point she's like that, and I think she will be. It's her only chance to really hang out with other kids and I think eventually she will want to do that. How old is your son if you don't mind me asking? My daughter is 1.

My new gym costs only a dollar more per month than my old gym and the childcare is so good! I'm so excited!

The childcare does cost more but I can actually trust them and my child is happy there. Today was the first day I've ever left her with someone who wasn't my mum or dad. So happy to finally be able to...
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hi ! thanks u for your friend request! kisses kiss
Violetrose confused
Thank you for the lovely pictures!
Having a bit of a melt down today. So I'm going to hire a lawyer and try to get started with my immigration to England. I really hope that it works out. I'm stressed about everything. About school. About moving, or not moving. About having my application rejected. I guess I'm just stressing because I feel like I'm running out of time to get school...
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Is it necessary to have a car that makes that much noise?!
Yes. Essential to life. If you don't have it then a neighbor has to. And it has to squeal like a dying animal. ..... and they DEFINITELY have to idle it at 12am for thirty minutes in the driveway if they have it. Totally necessary. World wold stop spinning if the car didn't make noise. tongue
Especially when the baby is sleeping! Just in case I actually had time to do something before she woke up.
Been really busy.

Amazing how much believing I can do something and believing I can't makes a difference. All of my failures have come from myself. All of my successes come from myself. I know that sounds cheesy but it's really true.
^^ It's the little realizations sometimes that one makes that can really make a day huh? smile so does that mean form now on you will always believe in yourself? because it should and you are awesome!
Awe! I hope so! You are pretty awesome yourself!
School is going sort of well, sort of shit. I messed a few things up, this happens to me every time I go to school. I hope that I can rectify it enough to get A's in my classes. My entrance to many of the nursing schools I've applied to is conditional on having 3.0 or 3.5. University o Edinburgh is a 3.5 or 3.8...
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