I've been busy. My computer has been broke. That is all for now.
my laptop is a fucking peice of shit!
I was borrowing my mother's, her's died every time you closed it and you would have to take out the battery and put it back in to turn it back on. I replaced the screen on mine and now the wireless stops working randomly for hours at a time. frown
Haven't felt sick from the weather in a while but today I do. It's not as bad as it can be though so thank goodness for that.

University of Ulster has sent me some information that leads me to believe they are seriously considering me as an applicant. Also Queen's university in Belfast has shown some interest (fingers crossed) and that is my first choice...
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Found out that Suicide Girls doesn't accept trans* women. That's awful. I would consider myself and ally and I think that's quite wrong that they wouldn't be considered "women" by a sex positive site such as this. I hope that this policy has already changed or will change because I find that extremely problematic.
I don't know the full policy, is it detailed at all? I can actually understand if they'd reject the ones who still have male parts as models.
I really like how I feel being a part of the community here, but if people are not welcome because of their anatomy I find that pretty sad and a pretty archaic attitude when it comes to such an accepting website. So I hope that they can work something out that is able to be more accepting.
Almost done with this semester! Holy shit did I get busy this last couple of months. I haven't had many spare moments.

Still don't. I have to study for my last final for this semester. Today's was not nice, but it's over. Now for my biology.
I would like to post some more pictures but I've been so busy! I feel like I'm not really using this site to it's potential.
This pressure sickness bullshit is getting pretty old. I wonder if this will always happen if I live by the sea. I wonder if I'd get really sick in tornado areas too because it's the barometric pressure changing that makes me sick. Or dropping I should say.
My brain is having such a hard time focusing. I think maybe I should look up some brain exercises. Sheesh.
Stupid internal debate

I have these little sample sizes of Burt's Bees face cream with royal jelly in them. Being a vegan I'm like, well "that's not really vegan of me to use them". However, in my non-vegan head, and more my unlabelled head, I'm thinking "well it would be even worse to let it go to waste". But would it be? Am I making...
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I thought I had gotten over this guy who I was once completely in love with, but I'm not. I'm back to feeling totally lost for him. Shit. It's completely a waste of my energy and time. But my god is he hot, and interesting and fun. Fuck.
I believe that my test anxiety has just caused me to fail my algebra class. I was shaking and feeling sick and stressed and unable to get my thoughts clear. It's so shitty to know something and then blank out at the most important time! I fucking hate having test anxiety! Where the fuck does it even come from?

So basically I'm freaking out today....
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