Damn, that was a hard week!! Now I know what the Murphy's Law is all about; if something CAN go wrong, it WILL. Especially if it's important... So, let me tell you about by Murphy week...

Saturday night, we ate turkey (you know that shitty, awful, gross fucking christmas kinda meal...) Don't ask me why, I'm not the one planning diner.
There was plenty of...
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Y'tait temps, esti d'ptasse!

C'est quand l'party? a fait des semaines que je ne suis pas all au 8e. Et anyway, j'irais juste pour te voir alors tant qu' me tapper la compagnie des autres "geeks", je prfrerais te voir ailleurs. wink

Tu m'as manqu, bitch. (vraiment blush )

no prob

sorry i didn't say anything about the computers. my fault

WEEZ kiss kiss kiss
haha maniac!
dear lord, if you are up there, please let salinger22, 'i'm not sure that's her christian name, do well on her studies and revive her brain.

peace .
I'm done with that red tint I had, it finally got brown... whatever

Everytime I'm on SG's website, I get lost in interviews, profils, pictures, journals... THAT MEANS: I DON'T STUDY OR DO MY PAPER WORK...damn you SG.

Got my first exam this morning...Wasn't too bad... Only thing is that, from now on, until january, I don't want to hear about Saussure, Jakobson, the formalists, Benveniste...
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BTW, aimes-tu Indochine ("Des fleurs pour..") ou JD Salinger, ou quoi? Expliques ton nom wink

[Edited on Dec 11, 2004 1:50AM]
Je suis anglo mais je peux comprends bien le francais. J'ai grandi dans un quartier anglo alors, malheureusement, meme si je peux te compredre, et meme si je peux t'ecrire (comme ca!), quand je parle les mots viennent trop lentement. Meme comme cela, svp sens libre a parler avec moi en francais si je peux parler en anglais avec toi wink

En parlant de parler (!), est ce que tu barvardes sur l'internet avec aim or yahoo ou quelque chose?
I just watched The Incredibles... Didn't know what to expect, but man, is it good! That Edna character...so funny!

I went to the Beauty Salonwhatever to get under that tan machine...is it?...Anyway, nobody ever told me that 10 minutes for the first time is waaaay to long!
Right now, I'm so fucking RED!! Got the sun/machine-burn of the YEAR!! And it's itchy too...Though...
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I'm the last to comment in your journal. I should be ashamed.

THe Incredibles was in fact. and Benedryl gives me vertigo.

i don't know how i'd handle two weeks of deja vu.
Are you planning on seeing the local Hedwig production?
Reading some weird old points of view from Alvin Toffler in Future Shock The guy's funny...

My roomate gave us some chai tea today...It's like taking a speed for 15-20 minutes...

Just want to say that I'm flat broke and if someone's looking to give out some money, well, I'm here.

Icantplay...did it ever occure to you that, maybe, YOU are too cool for me?...
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not really.
Yes I do live in the 514! And yes it is freeeezing today. I still went out though, and it was nice to do. I think I'm at home too much these days.
Count down:

-29 days before a brand new year (same old, same old)
-23 days before Xmas (useless-expensive-crap fest)
-18 days before my birthday (...whatever)
-13 days before end of term (HELP)

Mariposa is very cute.

I bought a new coat; I only had a cheap vest and it felt very cold with it. Snowed some wet shit yesterday and my feet were all flooded;...
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Hey ptasse!

J'ai eu la job... videmment wink

Huuuuuuuuuuum... toi en pirate thailandaise blush ARRR!!!

Rappelles-moi si t'es clibataire le jour de ta fte kiss
alright i'm not cool
Weez...? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tongue
Un sale encul de ma race !?!

Moi, je t'encule, tiens! kiss

Puis, la nouvelle cohabitation? Les garons? Et tout le tralala?
I'm playing a RPG by myself; I put on some army pants, bought a fake gun and I pretend I'm a revolutionary... I wrote my putsch plan (but I don't know yet which government I'll break down first), and I'm waiting for an e-mail reply from the mercenaries I've contacted... Yeah... Life is great, but wouldn't be the same without imagination...!

Otherwise I'm reading Virginia...
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Can i be a villain in this RPG ? wink
Laugh all morning at the stretch, stylish pants my roomate had to wear for a job interview... He didn't like it at all; he tought it looked gay... Whatever.

I counted on working at the Casino to gather all the money I needed to go on trip this next summer; I didn't get the job! Fuck those big companies... I guess I'll tan whatso'ever on...
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What's the difference between Adrien Gagnon and you?

Both of you aren't doctors!

Arrr indeed kiss
yeah... missed school today, again. Went shopping instead; paid 8$ for a bagel... Man, those places downtown KNOW that you're hungry and that you won't stand to walk further to get something cheaper...

My friend from B.C. came by, and I guess that a year separation makes things tougher to discuss about... Didn't have much to say... It's funny how old friends may sometime take...
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Comme il est 1:06, le "phone ringin" est pas mal calme en ce moment!

Ouh... toi en pirate blush

On s'revoit au 8e, genre.
I added some pics... I couldn't stand to be *showed* only with that <- weird one...!!
most of the people from here pronounce it gazz as well. there's basically no difference between fort kent and right across the border. everyone here's named Thibodeau, Gagnon, Daigle, etc. i find it very entertaining to hear two people having a conversation where one's speaking only in english and the other only in french. do they do that in montreal?
i'd love to retire to canada. particularly far, far north. heard it was difficult to get citizenship though.
how could anyone dislike poutine?

[Edited on Nov 21, 2004 5:37PM]
cool pics,

i thought you actually had an oddly shaped head, like a midget. but no.

i'm not sure how i feel about that.