My life is crazy.
It should go back to being boring.

crazy can be good boring is well, boring. biggrin
Whoa! It's been a long time since I updated. And I don't have one interesting thing to say....
its interesting you have nothng interesting to say
i just noticed that you are exactly one month older than me.
i haven't seen you in such a long time!
hope you're doing well kiss
Well....School starts in a week. I need to finish my schedule and I don't want to. My roommate just moved out so my house is a disaster and I'm in financial hell. I need to straighten out my personal life because it's still a mess. And my cats have fleas for the first time in a year. But the good thing is...I'm living with nice...
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Hi. I love your foot tattoos. smile
The Curiosa festival was very nice. We all had a good time. Interpol was the best and I'm glad I got to see them.
I learned that I don't like motels. And I will not stay in one ever again...if at all possible. I do not like people who snore either. If you snore...stop! I'm glad I can trust in my counterpart to have earplugs. ARRR!!!
Glad to hear that you had a great time, i agree with you whole heartedly with the whole snoring thing, and motels. Although i did stay at this one motel in SC, and it was not that bad. the only thing i did not like was the fact that the pool was already closed for the season and it was 90 degrees outside. but that's what man invented air conditioning for.
I am bored bored bored today!
Even my kitties are bored!
However, I am also excited because I am going to the Curiosa Festival in Ohio on wednesday. That looks to be much fun indeed. *Yay* for getting to see The Cure and Interpol together.

ARRR!!! pirates are the bees knees
oh my god i completely forgot about that.
i was going to go but i don't know what happened.
the cure and interpol together love
what could be better!?
What do you do when you just can't do anything right?
There has to be a point when you have absolutely messed things up so much that they start to turn around and work out for the better. Or maybe go back to normal....heres hoping.
emma! yay i didn't know you were on here. it was my boyfriend's account and i stole it from him! kiss
Whoa! I seem to have forgotten about the whole update my journal thing....I just can't think of anything to say anymore.
I'm going to see Fahrenheit 9/11 tonight and I'm excited. It just sucks that we have to go all the way to Bridgeville...oh well.
How was the movie? did you make it there to bridgeville. was it really worth it, do you think its a good movie or wait till it comes out on dvd?
Yesterday I was driving down a country road with my windows open. A gigantic fuzzy-yellow-jacket-bee creature flew into my car and ran right into my sunglasses. And then it fell into my lap and continued to buzz around. Because I am idiot...I almost wrecked my car and peed my pants. But it was all very funny for the old man in the truck behind me....
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DCFC - have you heard of American Analog Set?

btw, I got you beat - when I was nine, I was riding my bike down a hill near my house. I was yelling ahead to my friend and a bee flew into my mouth. I stopped, tried to hold still (was kinda screaming a bit though..without moving my tongue) and the damn thing stung me, right on the middle of my tongue.

It was touch and go for a few hours, as the swelling was plentiful, but I made it through and now keep my mouth mostly closed when I am riding my bike around bees. smile
i must say, i have almost done the same thing, only i had my learners permit and was driving down route 30 and felt something crawling on my arm, i looked down and there was a giant spider on my arm, i started screaming and flailing my arms, it was not good with 2 lanes of traffic in each direction.

the good news is that you did not damage your car, at least i hope not, and you were not stung, so now you have a funny story to tell everyone.

i have only been to ikea once, but i can't wait to have money so i can have ikea time. i was really hoping to hook up in the fall semester with you, but it looks like i will be going to penn state. i got in, but i am beginning to second guess my decision.
My plan to completely cut myself from anyone and everyone has been ruined. Damn those people whose personal decisions upset your life and force you out in the open!

In other news, I got a B+ in my horrific chemistry class. Not too shabby. My second round of classes started this week. Should be alright though since they are both online. Saw the new Harry...
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I was far more disappointed by the first two HP films... To me, Columbus' direction aims for Spielberg but, converts to fairy-tale sterility. whatever For an interesting take, you should try listening to the audio versions of the books! biggrin One actor & over 200+ voices make it worth finding at a local library.
Your mission would seem to have been quite the success with me. Congratulations.

[Edited on Jun 11, 2004 6:30AM]