My first summer class started yesterday. Environmental Chemistry for 5 hours every day for the next two weeks. Yesterday I thought that I would really enjoy the class because I like doing neat lab activities. But then our professor decides that we should work with partners because that will take less time. My partner is awful! All he wants to do is rush through the...
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Oh Emma.

Why oh why do you hate me?
So does this mean that SG journal comments will work as one way that you will actually respond if I try to contact you?

Because nothing else seems to work.

So Pike Days was very fun and I now have an awesome stainless steel blender, a sewing genie, lots of very sparkly old lady pins, and some vintage hats. I went to the movies last night with my girliest girlfriend. Not only were we way overdressed, but we were the only ones in the theatre....well we did see the olsen twins movie whatever .
Eugene Levy...
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hey there. you saw the olsen twins movie, i didnt even know there was a new one. so how is washington, i have a few friends that live there.
Ah, so you still want to be my friend.

I must have missed the meeting where we all decided that you show your friends that you like them by never talking to them or showing any interest in seeing them ever.

We could hang out, but that might involve seeing and/or talking to me, so are you sure you want to do that?

Today I woke up and listened to all the cars outside that were driving by and blowing horns and it was nice. shocked But wait, don't I live in Richeyville now? Where absolutely no more than 10 cars ever drive by my house? Where you only hear the fire whistle and no car horns??? And then it hit me...PIKE DAYS starts this weekend. Miles of food,...
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You have Masters of the Universe bed-sheets and curtains? Damn! Well, I bet you didn't have Snake Mountain...??? If I'm right, then- Ha! smile

I've never seen a John Cusack movie that I didn't like... "Say Anything" is one of his best.
hey i know you too! smile
I finally found all the pictures I wanted to upload and they are all too big. Now I am too lazy and discouraged to resize them. so pff! this is also my third attempt at a journal entry. pff again! my computer isn't very em-friendly tonight. frown
It took me eight months to write my first journal entry. I would start one, with a sentence or two, and then erase it, thinking that it wasn't good enough to have other people read... I did this probably 30 or 40 times before I finally just decided to write the first thing that popped into my mind and save it, without question... For all this, I think a whole two people actually read it (give or take one). smile

I was in Washington a few days ago. Well, actually, I was just driving through on my way to Pittsburgh; does that count?

Listed in your favorite films is Masters of the Universe. Is this the same Masters of the Universe with Dolph Lundgren as He-Man and Billy Barty as Gwildor? I love that movie! The old He-Man cartoons kick ass too! When I was a kid, I had He-Man bed-sheets. Actually, I think I still have them... smile
So have you decided that you just don't want to be my friend anymore?