my friends took me out to visit the local bars/clubs this weekend.
i hadnt seen the scene so it was all brand spankin new.
Went to Bevo, Hell, Prov and Liquid. Geezuswhat an experience.
Hell was ok because it was 80s night and damn, im relivin my youth. and Liquid was fine cause it was like my normal places in Chicago. but dizamn! the rest...
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Stop asking such difficult questions! wink
I don't think I have any special skills.. except ones that are no use in the working world.tongue But I guess you could say that I have some skills in writing (in my own language only), maths, customer service, being with kids, painting, cooking, organizing parties and gigs and festivals, handicrafts, biology, alternative medicine/healing, photography, calligraphy. Hehe, so very professional.. What I would really LIKE to do? To write and illustrate childrens books, maybe. What I want, changes almost every day.. There's only this huge cap between what I would really like to do in my life and what I really can do, for now. I must settle with a less nice job for starters. Thank you for your encouraging words, by the way.smile It's always helpful to hear good advice, and somebody asking difficult questions! smile
im so confused! frown
ok, yes. i admit i blew off work for 3 hours this morning and went and saw it.
it was good. i had a few issues with it in terms of spending waaaay too long in Zion, but overall i liked it. i think its hard to live up to the hype.

i went and saw the first one with incredibly lowered expectations. it had...
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Why yes, I do want to buy a monkey.. do you have one for sale biggrin ?
And thanks for the monkichi link.. i am definataly going to check that out! biggrin
i think the "normalness" of everyday life wakes me up. my life is so bizarely routined right now that it allows me to see how close i am to the life i've always thought i wanted to lead. or maybe the routine has stunted the flow of intelligent thought through my brain. would i still want her if she were attainable? like the tootsie pop owl taught me, the world may never know...
how is it so that even on e-mail she can frustrate the living fuck out of me? mad

i swear to god she only plays these games to piss me off. well, good for her. it works. mission accomplished.

she's such a speck...so trite and petty. and there's nothing i can say that gives me any satisfaction. she's the type that always has to get the...
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aw.. *hugs*
the best thing i can tell you.. block her email.. avoid all contact.. if this person frustrates you so, the best thing you can do is avoid them at all costs, and the slowly they fade into the background. **hugs**

and i hope "all things hello kitty" includes the short lived monkichi character biggrin
more than enough
but a lady never tells
So, um, "Daddy Day Care" kicks ass... tongue

Wow, i bought so many clothes this weekend it's seriously sick. i hardly ever buy like this.
i'm a fashion camel. i have what i have forever and then when i'm about dead, i go drink from the nearest retail oasis.

i feel like it's 1985 all over...i have adidas, pumas and nike again! yeah! i rule.

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definately, one day.. stacie and fractal love
honestly.. could richard dawson kick any more ass??? biggrin
why is it the one you want you can never have?
i mean geez,,,what's the problem?
Do we try to date "above" ourselves? Or is it just natural selection that the one we desire is inevitably the one that WON'T chose us.
Do we desire that most which we cannot attain?
And if so, why the hell can't we realize this and just fuckin'...
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ha HA! you are squishy too! *poke* kiss

and in regards to the above post.. isnt that called the circle of life???? tongue food chain maybe? or just inevitable. *le sigh*
i'm sorry, that sucks. maybe it's just not to be. or maybe she is and she just doesn't realize it yet.
Its Ok, its alright, my little droogies. Be not poogly. Alex is back and does he ever have a tale to tell! Grab a glass of milk from the bar and understand fully the ultraviolence in ma gulliver.


So, Im in Boca for a couple of days. Ah, now I see why folks be livin there. Its like a paradise or someshit. Mid 80s. Blue...
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a hob-knobber, eh? does sound interesting!!!! *pulls ear foreward* biggrin
Meow. Why do all of the Prov boys seem to be hiding behind funky but nondescript profile pics, hmmmmm?
This site is the greatest thing since The Simpsons!
Really. I'm just reading the boards and journals and whatnot and everyone is typically so intelligent and open.
I'm into alternamusic, alternafilms, alternacomics...so why wouldn't i be into alternaporn? But I think it's much more than that. What a wonderfully diverse community.
I have no reason to be happy today...but I am.

Damn I miss Chicago. My side hurts.
The presentation today went well. I was "on".
Actually I was sleepwalking.
Know it by rote.
Why am i here? What am i doing?
Its a Tori song

What is a fish-head? Is that like a hippy? heehee
So now it's official. The word came down the pipe and everything changed. I know its only "work", but damn...I spend so much time there. She shouldn't be rewarded for throwing a fit. But I guess she got what she wanted. Whatever.
It's only work
It's only a job
It's only...it's only....
only she used to be a friend. A great friend.
I really loved...
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i'm sorry, it always sucks to lose a friend.
I put so much sugar in my coffee I'm surprised the spoon doesn't stand upright.
The lovely lasses just left. We had a Buffy party. So sad to see it go, but ya' know, the time is right. Angel is so much better. So I'm glad that will still be around. Fred is sooo hot. She should have her own show.
One gal left with soaked pants...too bad it wasn't in the "good" way...but then again, how do I know...
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i hope that girl's pants weren't soaked because she peed her pants. that would be gross and smelly and not fun for your other guests. not to mention way embarrassing for her.
Ok the catharsis is complete. The decompression took its toll and I'm ready to move on....so I will.

Strange sight from last week-
I saw a four (4) year old playing Vice City!

I will not kiss someone new. I like kissing the person I usually kiss. But he went away this weekend. frown
I'm going to order a pizza and watch Harry Potter. Maybe I'll make out with my hand for a while.
Fuck me,
I'm mentally hung over.
I rarely get physically sick from drinking. I usually don't get the headaches and dizziness. I think what I get is worse.

I really hate this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that i was a complete ass. Coffee seems to only exacerbate the situation. Dread. Angst.

The frat bar we were at sucked, but that's...
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