I really start to question my self-worth when someone finds it so easy just to walk out of my life. I have had 2 people this year tell me that they can no longer be my friend. Friend is like the lowest form of relationship. Sure there are many levels of friendship but even someone you met once and had a conversation with can be worthy of a friend request on FB. So, to say that you can't be my friend at all is a real kick to the face. Currently I am feeling stage 1 of loss and grief. Denial: I think that any minute, I am going to get a text or call and they are going to change their mind. And Isolation: I want to just hide and not come out on the off chance that they aren't going to change their mind. Why get my heart stomped on again? And this whole "I love you and you are my best friend" stuff right before you shove our friendship into the garbage disposal is all kinds of fucked up. How can you say that you love me or that I am your bestie...if you can just leave like this? 

White on rice, honey. You are a bad ass and I love you.