I'm bored. Let's play a game. After you tell me what you think the answer to my 2 Truths and 1 lie are post yours so I can guess. 😊

1. My first romantic kiss was a model and she kissed me first.

2. I was a virgin until I was 40.

3. I go commando.

I've shared mine, who's brave enough to play? 😉

I guess 2 is a lie. A) I have been left on Saint' Andrews for 3 hours by girl I just had whipping session with in public dungeon B) My first time was with sex worker C) I have had twelve cats over the course of my life.

Do you know why I Love The Suicide Girls? It's not just because there are so many beautiful women showing their incredible bodies. Though that is certainly a factor. 😉 The truth is this site is all about being comfortable with who you are. There aren't many places on the internet you can go and not run into people spewing hate. Hate for people who...
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I wish everyone would stop hating, and start showing some understanding and compassion towards one another. Maybe I'm naive, but wouldn't the word be a better place if instead of people looking out for themselves they started looking out for each other? (just sayin.)